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twelve - exclusive

The ride home was extremely quiet. Not a word was spoken. They sat in silence for what felt like an eternity. Yelena sat quietly in the backseat, she stared out the window as they got closer to their home.

Finally they entered the drive way. Once the car came to a stop Alexei quickly left the car and headed toward the front door. Melina and Yelena sat quietly in the car, the blonde waited for her mother to say something, but she never did. Melina exited the car and followed her husband inside. Yelena then followed her parents, but once she got inside everyone had already gone to their rooms, leaving her all alone on New Year's eve.

The next few days was still the same. Nobody talked to each other, they all kept to themselves. Yelena felt hurt that everyone was ignoring her. The tension between the family had become unbearable. The blonde felt as if she was walking on egg shells around her family, she was just waiting for one of them to snap.

Finally on Monday morning the girl decided to confront her family. As she walked down the stairs and noticed all of them eating breakfast and the dining table sitting in silence, as usual. She entered the room and stood at the head of the table.

"Aren't you guys sick of this?" Yelena asked. They all looked up at the girl. "Can you please just talk to me I can't take this anymore!" The blonde desperately begged.

Alexei looked back down at his food and sighed, "Well I don't know what to say." Natasha scoffed and threw her fork down, which caused everyone to look her direction. "You want us to talk to you? Well everything you've told us the past few months has been complete bullshit so why would we want to speak to you?!" The girl shouted.

"Natasha!" Melina yelled at her daughter. "Everyone stop, Lena is clearly upset!" She scolded. Tears ran down the blonde's face, but she hadn't even noticed because she was too focused on her family yelling at each other.

"Look i'm sorry I lied to all you, but I knew none of you would like Kate and I dating. But you guys don't know her like I do, she's so caring, and she's been so good to me. Can you guys just please give her a chance." Yelena pleaded.

"Well someone already knew." Alexei said under his breath, but they all heard him. Yelena wanted to roll her eyes so bad. "Yea Mama knew but I know deep down she knows Kate is a good person."

"Are we talking about the same Kate?" Alexei quickly asked with a questioning stare. "Because the Kate I know likes to throw parties, smoke, and cause trouble."

"Yea well so does every other teenager. And Natasha and I were at the party, oh and in fact I was there hiding upstairs when you were scolding Kate!" Yelena fired back at her father.

"Wait you told me you left early that night." Natasha said to her sister. Alexei watched as his daughters continued to fight. He looked over at his wife and saw that she looked upset about everything. He knew she just wanted everyone to get along. He stood up from the table and walked towards the living room, he them turned around right before waiting the room, "I'll give Kate Bishop one chance to prove that she's good for you. Bring her to dinner one night. Now get to school before you're late!" He told his daughters.

The girls watched as he exited the room. Melina stood up and gathered the dishes from the table. As she put all the dishes in the sink she looked over at her daughters, "You heard your father, go to school."
Natasha rushed out of the room and exited the house, slamming the door on her way out. Yelena looked over at her mother, Melina walked towards her daughter and wiped the tears off her face.

a crush on kate bishopWhere stories live. Discover now