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thirteen - break up or make up?

"Mama can you take me to school today?" Yelena asks her mother. Melina curiously looks up at her daughter and notices her swollen eyes, it looked like she had been crying for ages.

"Kate is not picking you up today?" She asks. The girl nodded her head no. Melina immediately knew something was wrong. She always knows when something isn't right with one of her children. So she decided to go ahead and take her daughter. "Okay let's go."

As they walked out the door Melina had millions of thoughts running through her head. Did something happen? Did Kate have something to do with this? She thought over and over about all the possibilities.
Both of them stayed silent as they drove to the school. Melina would glance at her daughter every few minutes and notice her small frown. So she finally decided to speak up. "What's wrong darling?"

Hearing those words made Yelena snap out of her daze. She looked over at her mother and sighed, "Nothing i'm just tired."

The woman did not believe her daughter for one second. As they came to a stop in front of the school she moved her body towards her daughter to get her attention. "Lena, darling tell me what's wrong. It is Kate? Did she do something?" She asked worriedly, putting her hand on the girl's shoulder.

The girl lifted her head up to look at her mother. She stayed silent for a few seconds, then decided to tell her mother the truth. "We got into a fight." Yelena sighed. "We both said things that hurt us, and we haven't talked since."

Melina looked at her daughter for a minute before letting out a small breath. "Well these things happen to people who are in a relationship. Have you tried talking to her about it?"

The girl nodded her head. Her mother let out a small chuckle. "Oh Lena you are just like your father, you know to fix things between each other you have to talk to one another."

The blonde gave her mother a small smirk but it quickly disappeared. "Yea I know, I just wanted to give her some time. I just tried forcing her to that stupid dinner and I didn't even think about her feelings." The girl irritatedly sighed.

"Just talk to her okay? Don't worry about that dinner, just make things right between you two. But whenever you are ready, don't rush it." Melina replied.

Yelena noticed students had started to walk into school. She looked at the time and noticed class was about to start. She grabbed her things and opened the door. Once she got out and have her mother a smile, "Thank you for driving me, and for the talk, it was nice."

Melina smiled, "Get to class."

The next two days had been miserable for Yelena. Her and Kate still hadn't talked since the fight. Whenever Kate had saw Yelena, she pretended not to notice her and walk the other direction. And the blonde would do the same. They both knew they couldn't avoid each other forever, but they just weren't ready to face each other just yet.

She knew it was immature of her, but she was hurt by Kate's words. And she knew she hurt Kate too. They did share one class together but Kate never showed up, probably because her and Yelena sat by each other.

The next day the blonde was surprised to see the older girl walk in the classroom of their shared class. Kate had walked over and sat right by Yelena, but never said a word. They continued to sit in silence almost all of class. Later on the teacher had decided to give all the students free time. So finally Yelena got the courage to confront Kate, and finally break the long silence.

Kate had her head down facing the desk. "Hey." The blonde says trying to get her attention. The older girl picks her head up and looks towards Yelena. "Hey." She replies.

"Can we talk?" Yelena asks the girl.

"We're talking right now." Kate replies. Yelena was about to come up with a snarky come back but she then noticed a familiar smirk on the girl's face. Oh how she had missed that smirk. "I'm just messing with you Blondie." Kate teases.

Yelena let's out a chuckle. "You haven't called me that in a long time." She pauses. "I miss it." She admits to the girl.

Kate gives her a small smile, "I miss you."

Yelena's face softened after she heard those words. All of a sudden the bell rings. Their classmates start packing their things and head out. Both girls look at each other. "Want to come to my place after school, to talk more?" Kate asks.

"Sure." She smiled.


After school Kate drove them to her house. They were now in the girl's room sitting on her bed. Kate sighed and turned to face her girlfriend. "I'm sorry." She says. Yelena looks up at Kate. "For everything. I shouldn't have called you that, i'm still beating myself up over it. I promise i'll never say that to you again as long as I live." She added.

"I forgive you Kate Bishop." Yelena replied softly. The girl nodded her head in disagreement. "No, you shouldn't. I should have just agreed to the dinner." She tells her.

"You shouldn't feel sorry about the dinner." Yelena replied, scooting closer to her girlfriend. "You were right about everything, I should have considered your feelings. We don't have to do it."

Kate stayed quiet and reached out to grab the girl's hand. She softly intertwined their fingers and stroked the girl's hand with her thumb. "We should do the dinner." She says looking into Yelena's eyes. "I want to prove to them that I'm good enough for you. I'll do anything to prove it."

Yelena couldn't hold back her smile. Kate noticed and chuckled at her antics. Both girls stared at each other admirably. Kate leans in a gives the girl kiss. "God I missed you." She mumbles against the girl's lips. Yelena chuckles, "I missed you more." she said pushing their lips back together.

As they kiss a bit longer Kate suddenly pulls back. "I know I said it already but i'm really sorry." Yelena smiles, "I already said I forgive you Kate Bishop." She teased.

"Let me make it up to you." Kate says softly. She leans in a gives the girl a kiss, this time more rough. Yelena groaned and threw her arms around Kate's neck. After a few minutes Kate picked the girl up and laid her softly on the bed.

As time goes by more clothing is removed from their bodies. Eventually all of their clothes were off. Kate noticed Yelena trying to cover herself. "Don't hide, you're beautiful." She says. Yelena quickly nodded and moved her arms around Kate's neck and brought her closer as they pushed their lips back together. Kate slid her hands around Yelena's now naked waist.

Kate had settled her self between Yelena's legs. She then traveled her lips around the blonde's neck, which caused her to throw her head back in pleasure. The older girl continued to leave kisses lower and lower. Now leaving a trail near her breast. The blonde moaned in pleasure and continued to squirm under her. Yelena tangled her hands in Kate's hair as she continued to whimper and tell her to keeping going.

Kate looked up at her girlfriend for a moment, then they made eye contact. "Are you sure?" Kate asks.

Yelena nods her head, "Please just touch me."

would you forgive kate? also sorry for the short chapter, college is tuff lol. hope everyone has a good week :)

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