Chapter One: "First Day's Always Tough"

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"Mama, mama! We want another bedtime story!" I hear two little voices shout at me in unison from my bedroom door. I sit up in bed to see the twins, Jaiden and Jack, standing there, both of them smiling wide as always. Rubbing the weariness out of my eyes, I answer them. "Didn't I just get done reading one for you? You guys are supposed to be asleep by now."

"But we want more!" Jack whines, while his sister just nods fervently. "The last one was boooring! Please, please, please, tell us another one!" They beg, their eyes wide with anticipation. Oh, kids and their endless need to get their way. They're almost six years old and still they've yet to learn the art of asking nicely.

These two are my twin children—and they look absolutely identical. They inherited their father's black hair, personality, and even features. As for me, they didn't inherit much, not even my natural brown hair (which I ended up dying green). The only thing they got from me are my freakishly yellow eyes that... practically glow in the dark. Even though my kids may not resemble me all that much, they still mean everything to me.

I laugh softly at my kids' antics, getting up from the bed with a sigh. "Sorry, babies, no more stories tonight. Mama needs her rest too." I ruffle their matching black hair with an affectionate smile. Both Jaiden and Jack pout at that. "Aww... Well, can't you at least put us back to bed? Pleeease?" They implore, clasping their hands together.

With another soft laugh, I nod. "Fine, fine... But only because I love you so much." I say, giving them each a kiss on the cheek before picking them up with ease and heading toward their bedroom. They squeal happily in my arms, hugging me tight and clinging to my neck. These kids will be the death of me someday, but for now, they're all I have.

Once we're there, I gently set them down in their shared bed, letting out an exaggerated breath. They both giggle and then crawl under the covers, snuggling close together as I sit down on the edge of the mattress. "Alright, kiddos. Sleep well, alright? You've got school tomorrow and I can't afford to have you guys miss anything." I warn lightly.

Their expressions seem to droop a little at the mention of school. Hm, they don't usually look this bummed out about school... I thought they loved the kindergarten I enrolled them into this year. Maybe they're having trouble adjusting to the idea of seeing new faces? Or maybe it's the school itself? Either way, it won't do either of them any good to stay up all night worrying over it.

"Hey, don't worry, okay?" I assure them, brushing their hair away from their faces. "It might be a little scary at first because it's a new school... but trust me, you'll be fine. You're brave kids, I know you can do this." I smile down at them as they gaze up at me with big eyes. "Besides, you never know what might happen tomorrow. You might make some friends! After all, I heard it's Bring-a-Friend day tomorrow! Maybe you'll meet some cool people!"

Their eyes light up at the idea, their smiles growing wider. It makes me chuckle inwardly. The two of them truly do share their father's bright personality-a trait that I adore more than anything. "Now cheer up, alright?" I grab the stuffed snake in Jaiden's arms. "Or else the hungry snake will bite your toes off!" I giggle as I tickle them both with the toy, earning a few delighted shrieks.

"Nooo!" Jaiden giggles as she swats playfully at my hands. "No snakes, no snakes!" Jack follows suit with a similar response. Soon enough, we're in a full blown laughter fit. I grin widely, loving the pure joy it brings me. I never get tired of these moments when we laugh and goof around like this. I'd be lying if I said I didn't secretly wish we could stay like this forever.

"Okay, okay, kids. Calm down now..." I manage through my fits of laughter. Once we catch our breaths, I reach out to tousle their hair fondly. "Don't worry your little heads about school, alright? You'll be okay. Now go to sleep. Goodnight." I lean over to give each one of them a quick peck on their forehead. Afterward, I head back to my own bedroom and fall onto my bed, exhausted.

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