Rain and thunder

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AN: This is from my drafts, I thought I could publish it now because of my surgery next week, so I won't be able to update until I get better <3

You had a very long and tough day at the office today. You usually wouldn't complain about working, but today was nothing you wanted to experience again. The phone calls, complaints, emails, and interviews were still ringing in your head like a loud bell, giving you a headache.

You felt like nothing could get worse until you heard the sound of rain and thunder coming from the outside. It almost sounded like it was coming straight out of a horror movie.

You looked out the window as you packed your bag; this was the kind of weather that freaked you out. You didn't like driving home in this condition, and the fact that you were borrowing your boyfriend's car made you even feel more overwhelmed.

"Drive safe out there," your coworker Rebecca said as she walked past you. She was going to stay for a while longer and print out documents for the next day.

"Will do," you smiled, already feeling nervous about driving. "See you tomorrow, becks."

"See you tomorrow!"

And with that, you walked out of the office and made your way down to the underground parking lot. At least Mason's car was warm, and you didn't have to worry about the rain pouring down on you while getting in the car.

You took a seat and put your bag in the passenger seat. While you were adjusting and heating your seat up, you decided to give Mason a call since he had tried calling a while ago.

"She's alive and well," was the first thing he said when answering your call.

You let out a soft chuckle. "Sorry, babe, I couldn't answer earlier, but I'm on my way home now."

"It's alright, darling; just wanted to check on you; the weather isn't that great." You could hear the slight concern in his voice.

"Yeah, I know, the weather sucks," you sighed as you put your seatbelt on.

"Drive safe, yeah?"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to your precious car," you teased.

"I don't care about the car, silly," he said, and you could tell he rolled his eyes in a playful way.

You smiled to yourself at how cute he was, worrying about you when there was no need. "I'm always careful; don't worry about me," you assured him.

"Alright, see you soon, I love you."

"I love you more," you said back before you both hung up.

You checked your phone and received a notification saying your charge was 5 percent. You looked at your phone, confused. "How in the hell? It was 15 percent like 30 minutes ago, and I've barely used it," you said annoyed.

Your phone had a problem with the cold; every time it's cold outside, your phone loves to eat up its own battery and die.

You looked for your charger but quickly realized that Mason never has a charger in his car; he always takes it with him back home, and since it's not your car, you don't have your own charger with you. Could the day get worse than this? Hopefully not.

"Fuck it." You put your phone down and decided to drive home instead of worrying about it; it wasn't that far, and you doubted your phone would die before that.

As soon as the rain hit the car roof and the windows, you felt your nerves and put total focus on the road; the sky was dark, and you couldn't see that well because of it and the rain.

You pulled up to the highway, and you instantly regretted it. You could see lines of cars in front of you, and none of them were moving. "Why does this always happen to me?" you mumbled, annoyed.

You grabbed your phone to check if there was any traffic news, so you could at least blame it on that when you get home late.

You googled it easily and found your answer. There had in fact been a car accident down the highway, and it looks like it happened just a few minutes ago, so you could guess it would take a while to get out of here.

You decided to text Rebecca and warn her because she usually takes this path home too. As soon as you did that, you thought about giving Mason a call too, but in that moment, your phone decided to let you down.

You looked at the screen and could see the low-red battery with a charger below. "Seriously? I had 2% left. You stupid fucking phone!" You snapped and threw your phone away, frustrated. This was a different kind of anger that you hadn't felt in a long time.

You leaned back against your seat, rubbing your face as you sighed in annoyance. You didn't think this day could get worse, but it actually did.

Like you had predicted, it would take a while to get out of here. A long time had already passed—almost an hour—and it was not looking good.

While you were still at the same spot on the highway, Mason, who's at home waiting for you, was starting to worry.

The ride home should only take 20 minutes, but it's been way past that, and it didn't make it easier when he tried to look for answers and find out about the crash on the highway that he knows you drive on.

The fact that you weren't answering his phone calls and that it had been over an hour made him think of the worst-case scenario. He even went in on the app to locate your phone, and it said you were on the highway a while ago but no recent updates, which freaked him out even more.

"Come on, Y/N, answer your stupid phone," he said  frustrated as he looked at the screen of his phone with hope that you would pick up.

But you didn't, and this made his heart clench, he could feel it physically hurt, like someone had ripped it out and crushed it.

He tried to be optimistic, telling himself that you might just be stuck in traffic, but he would easily let himself overthink it.

You, on the other hand, were staring out the window when suddenly the car next to you started moving. You looked up and saw a huge gap between you and the car in front of you.

"About fucking time," you said, relieved as you started the car again. You were ready to get your ass home.

Your eyes were focused on the road the whole way back home. You managed to get home quicker than you thought, and it was still raining like crazy, and you would lie to yourself if you said the thunder didn't give you one or two heart attacks on the way.

You parked Mason's car on the driveway and grabbed your stuff. You prepared to run up to the front door, hoping to not get a full shower in the rain and ruin your straightened hair.

You ran as fast as you could, but the rain still drenched you in less than a second. "Bloody hell, I hate this weather with passion," you mumbled as you walked inside the house after opening the door.

"Ugh my hair," you kept mumbling, not realizing Mason was standing there, trying to process that you were actually alive and well.

"Mase, god, I didn't even see you there," you jumped when you saw him, "you scared me," you chuckled as you started to take your jacket off, it felt like a wet tissue glued to you.

Before you knew it, Mason had pulled you into a tight hug, making it hard for you to even move an inch, or breathe, for that matter.

This worried you instantly. Why was he hugging you so tight? Did he miss you that much? Had he heard any bad news and needed you?

"Are you ok, sweet?" You asked, confused.

You felt him loosen his arms around you and slowly lean back to look at you. He cupped your face with his palms in a gentle way; you could feel his hands shaking on your face, and he was feeling you as if he wanted to make sure you were real.

You looked at him concerned; his eyes and cheeks were red, and he was sniffling like he had been crying.

"Mase," you said his name in fear. You had never seen him this way before, and it worried you more than ever.

"I thought you were dead, Y/N!" He suddenly snapped and stepped back. "Fuck sake!" He covered his face with one hand in frustration but also relief.

This whole time, his heart had been beating out of his chest, worrying about you, fearing that something bad happened to you, and not knowing if you would open that door and come home again. For a moment, he actually thought he would never see you again.

"What?" You looked at him, genuinely confused, "dead?"

He took a few deep breaths before talking again. "You didn't answer your phone, and there was a car crash," he explained as he looked at you. "I thought it was you."

Your eyes grew wide when you came to realize, "Oh my god." You covered your mouth with your hand; you had completely forgotten about how Mason would have been worried after all that time stuck in traffic.

You removed your hand from your mouth, "Baby, I'm so sorry my phone died and I was stuck in traffic."

You felt your heart ache, realizing how much you had scared him. "I'm so sorry," you apologized again as you walked over to give him a hug.

He hugged you back with no hesitation. You felt his arms tighten around your waist, and his face was buried in the crook of your neck. He didn't say anything; he just wanted you close, so you let him be close to you.

"I told you not to worry about me," you mumbled softly against the material of his hoodie, still hugging him tight.

"How could I not?" he mumbled against your neck and hugged you tighter. "It took over an hour; it was supposed to be 20 minutes...I was scared Y/N."

You felt like crying after hearing him say that. You're a very sensitive person, and just the thought of Mason thinking something happened to you made you angry at yourself for being so oblivious to the situation you had caused, even if it wasn't your intention.

"I'm here now," you said as you both leaned back and looked at him. You caressed his cheeks while his arms were still around you; he looked a lot calmer than before, which made you feel better.

You placed a gentle kiss on his lips before leaning back again to look at him, "I love you, I'm sorry that I worried you."

"I love you too," he replied, kissing you again to assure you that he was ok now.

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