Love in Roma

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💙AN: Feels good to write for Mase again!! This is my favourite imagine that I came up with recently, it's just very comforting and fluffy, and I really wanted to write it for you guys and I couldn't wait any longer to publish it. I hope you like it as much as I do🫶


Your eyes fluttered open, and your arms stretched over your head while your body did the same. It had been a long night dealing with traveling, but you were now awake in beautiful Roma.

You weren't here alone. This trip was planned weeks ago by your close childhood friends Lauren, Declan, and Mason. This was a tradition the four of you had, planning a small trip together every year to not let the friendship die out.

Roma wasn't a place you were against when it was recommended by your friends, but it was also not a place you were looking forward going to. It wasn't the first time for you to be here; in fact, you had lived here for three years before, and it was safe to say that you never thought you'd be back here again.

But with your friends convincing you and begging you, you couldn't say no. They wanted to visit Roma after hearing great things about it from you when you lived here, and you couldn't let your past problems stop them.

You were still in bed, under the white bedsheets. You hadn't closed the curtains last night, which allowed you to look out the window and see the beautiful view just from lying down.

Even if the view was beautiful, and could possibly sort out all your problems in just a second, you still felt that feeling of frustration in your body like you did when you landed last night.

Wherever you looked, memories flooded in—memories that you wished didn't last.

A long time ago, you heard from people that Roma was the city of love. It wasn't really a lie; it's all in the name. A local explained it to you one time: if you reverse the name of the city, you get 'Amor', and once upon a time, you could believe in that statement.

You had fallen in love with this handsome Italian and spent three years with him in this beautiful city. He gave you everything you dreamed of: love, comfort, joy, and more. For three years, you felt nothing but pure happiness with him, but one action sent you straight back to London, and what was that you may think?

He cheated on you.

You found out the harsh way, like in the movies, where they get caught in the bedroom in your own home. You couldn't understand it at first, and even now, 4 months later since the event happened, you still don't understand what went wrong.

You just knew from that moment that you never wanted to come back here again, it was a promise you made yourself, but here you are, breaking your own promise.

This was unfortunately your routine every morning. Waking up, overthinking things, asking yourself why you weren't good enough and repeat it.

You knew it was draining you, but you didn't have the heart to tell anyone how much you were still hurting. Anyone would call you stupid for not being able to move on from the guy who cheated on you, and it wasn't a lie; you are stupid for still allowing yourself to be upset over someone who broke your heart.

You're supposed to become tough and unstoppable from something like that. Not cry and weaken yourself, because at the end of the day, he did a shitty thing. Not you.

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