Loving a Thug Chapt.9

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Chapter 9


“The fuck you brought me to this store for Jerome?” I asked once I looked at the price for some true religion jeans. Like okay they from a brand and everyone wears them, that don’t mean I have to wear them either I am not trying to go bankrupt now.

“Give me a kiss first” he said laughing and still tickling my feet. I had no choice but to say yes. I fixed myself on the couch and mumbled a couple of curse words loud enough for him to hear me.

Next thing I know me and Jerome is getting naked in bed. ‘Wait’ naked in bed, hold up. Everything I was about to do registered in my mind and I quickly pushed back off Jerome and covered my body with his blanket.

 I took my shower and decided to straighten my hair in an elegant way. I really don’t like putting on makeup so I decided to put some eyeliner, mascara, a little blush, and lipstick.

I was already looking bad, I should go naked. Nope that’s not classy and I already live in the hood so not funna do that.

I decided to wear a long beautiful white dress with a gold pattern going from top to bottom. I looked better than bad, shit I am on fire. These hoes have nothing on me.

I looked at myself for one last minute and grabbed my clutch and headed to my sister bedroom.

“T, you alright” I said looking over at her. She was asleep, this girl always asleep which was not a good thing to not worry about. I walked over to my sister and laid my hand on her neck. She was hot. I ran to the bathroom and came back with a thermometer. “T put this in your mouth sweetie” I said waiting till she rolls over.

 She rolled over and honestly she looked like crap, this girl nose was epically red ass fuck, ass looking like that damn red nose reindeer, whatever they call him. Snot was coming out her nose and shit, ugh.

 She put the thermometer under her tongue and we waited until the thermometer beeped. It read 99 degrees. “Damn T, why didn’t you tell me you were feeling sick” I asked.

“I don’t know” she said finally getting her eyes to open. “Why you dress so fancy?”

“I was supposed to be going on a date with Jerome but since you sick I’m going to have to cancel it” I sadly said. I’m not going to lie but I was a little happy to cancel this because I was too damn nervous right now to be going on a date with Jerome.

“No go” she said pushing me out the room. “Jerome I can’t go anymore” I shouted across the hall. In minutes I see Jerome rushing out his room pulling his suit pants up stumbling and rushing over to me.


“My little sister is sick, I can’t leave her alone” I said walking over to Trina’s bed.

“No, Noooooo” Jerome whined childishly stomping his feet.

“Grow up Idiot, what do you want me to do?” I asked rolling my eyes at how childish this niggah was acting.

“Let’s take her to my sister house” he pulled out his cell and texting.         ” She said she’ll do it, so get out everybody” He hollered down the hallway.

“Alright come on” lifting my sister up over my shoulder. She looks to dead to be walking, in the morning I’m taking her to the doctors.

I go outside and Jerome already waiting in a 2013 Tahoe hybrid. You live by yourself but have a car with 8 seats, what is the reason? I secure my sister in the seat and step out to sit in the front with Jerome. Each inch we drive away from the house is like every second my heart is stopping. I am truly terrified to be going on this date with this thug, like g Shit.

 We finally arrive to this big ass house, No wait; a mansion. This house is beautiful better than Jerome’s home.

“Let’s go boo” Jerome said opening my door. I walked over to my sister and carried her in my arms walking towards the entrance with Jerome. Usually you go to your sibling’s house and knock so gentle on the door but Jerome, like god le this boy knock on the door like the damn stupid ass police.

“I bet its Jerome bitch ass mama, he always knocking like that” I heard a voice said walking towards the door. The door opens and a beautiful red bone girl step out, she had curves better than mines like g shit. “Uh huh told you mama, but he brought a pretty red bone” she hollered inside the house.

“Hi my name is Chanel, Chanel Clark” she said sticking her hand out to me. I shook her hand out and introduced myself. Chanel she nice, and she look a lot alike Jerome.

“My mom wanted to meet you but her not feeling good” she told me grabbing Trina out of my hands and laying her over her shoulder.

“Oh okay, well tell her I said hi” I said before walking out the door with Jerome “No problem have a nice day” she closed the door and me and Jerome walked back into the car.

“We left and I was even more nervous especially since my sister presence was gone, which means Jerome thinks he can touch me without worrying about my sister watching. Just great and the date haven’t even started yet and I’m already wet from his touch.

“You seem nervous boo” he said seductively in my ear after parking in front of an open field with a table for two with candles being settled around the table romantically.

“This for us, it’s so beautiful” I said walking hand to hand with Jerome towards the table.

“Anything for my boo” he told me leaning over and giving me a chaste kiss. For a second I thought ‘Is Jerome actually being serious and romantic’ but dumbass funna slap me in my behind talking about ‘If I do well you funna let me hit?’ with his stupid signature smirk that make a nigga wanna just slap that shit off.

 “Nope go on ahead and calls yo hoe Carina” I said rolling my eyes. Jerome was funna say something but he took a deep breathe calming himself down.

“Mane why you tripping with that silly ish” Jerome said pulling my seat and walking towards his.

“Cause you is a flip flopping pancaking fine ass trippy player, that’s why” I said leaning over the table glaring into Jerome’s cute hazel-green eyes.

“I may be a thug but I am not a player Keisha so don’t fucking judge me” Jerome said leaning onto his chair leaving eye contact along my reach.

“Well I see you playing my so called bestie” I said crossing my arms along my chest.

“Me and that girl don’t even go, you want to know why both of us isn’t serious in a relationship”

“Why? It’s probably a stupid excuse anyways” I said rolling my eyes at Jerome.

Jerome balls his fist in anger and starts biting down on his lip. “Carina a hoe, she just wants to fuck” he said putting his finger in my face. “I want a ride or die shorty not no hoe that only comes for the dick”

“We just got here and you already fucking up our date, is you happy now Keisha” with those words said tears began spilling down on my face. Thank the lord for waterproof make up. It was wrong for me to call Jerome a player; he’s actually a nice guy. I don’t think I know a thug who would open their home for me for free unless I give up either money or my pussy to stay for a day.

My vision was blurry from the tears so all I heard was Jerome sucking his teeth and his figure walking over towards me. “Baby don’t cry, I didn’t mean it”

“I know you just trying to put your guard up; you don’t want to be left heartbroken.... well me either” He said wiping away the tears from eyes.

We stared into each other eyes for I don’t know how long. Jerome than broke the stare when he kissed me. Our tongues moved in unison, I think I fell too hard for him. 


Keisha dress on the side Guys^^^^^^^^^^^^>>>>>>>>>>>>

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