41. Letter of declaration

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A warm gust of wind bustled by as Fu Lin gazed at the scenic view beyond what lay outside the bamboo woven window. This spot had been one of Fu Lin's recent favourites as he crumpled against the sill, wearing nothing but a measly pair of underwear and an almost transparent robe.

His eyes slowly shifted to the General's office chamber.

What usually embodied the room was nothing more than the constant walking, writing and subtle presence of the monumental man. Even the plants within the chamber, along with all its parchment, canvas and seals, were regularly cleaned, unlike when the General sometimes

holed himself within the chamber–disallowing anybody to touch the possessions he used. However, everything fresh and fragrant about the chamber now evoked a dampness foreign to the rest of the Zhou Manor.

It had been over a month since the General last showed his face around the Zhou Manor.

Fu Lin averted his gaze from the office chamber and directed his eyes towards the gate. To somebody observing from a mile away, it'd paint the melancholic picture of a husband awaiting the return of their spouse after a tedious separation. However, Fu Lin knew nothing could be far from the truth.

In fact, he knew what his mind orchestrated in the activity of often coming to this one spot always these days. This spot was the only one where he could get a clear view of the gates from within the Manor–while the roof would offer a better view it had little coverage and the roof tiles were too uncomfortable to sit on.

As to why he was sprawled on this sill eagerly watching out for the gate was because he genuinely wanted to be the first to be aware in case the General gave a surprise return. And that was because he wanted to be the first one to greet the General in that case.

It was true.

He simply wanted to curry favour with the General right about now and nothing more.

The reason why his clothes were as light and transparent as the shimmering water and why he had a layer of artificial redness layering his face was to tug at the General's already edgy heart strings into submission. The fact that the General would harbour such feelings for him in itself was an unbelievable stroke of luck and Fu Lin had no intention of letting such an opportune situation out of his hands.

His situation at this moment was by no means ordinary and was, in fact, utterly precarious. He was the bargaining chip of two feuding countries, and anything mildly erroneous from any side could cost him his life. Further, even if it doesn't end up being of advantage to him, it could provide a leeway to his Empire–the Silver Mountains. The General is a man of significance and hefty footing in the Blazing Sun and in a situation where the flood could turn tides to become a tsunami, any favourable feelings the General would invest in him would be of immense benefit.

He knew it was despicable of him to do this. It was as despicable as the next source of the ugly political agenda there was. However, desperate men couldn't afford virtue. And so he resolved himself to garner as much of the General's feelings towards himself–Fu Lin had played the game of love longer than the General and knew its hand better than the General could ever surmise in another hundred years.

As for the next reason why he chose this spot in particular...

Fu Lin's gaze darkened. He extinguished the thought just as it blazed its head into his heart. He knew where his emotions lay and had a good grasp on every action he executed in the matters of his own mind.

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