31. Apologetic

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The lace curtains draped across the circular window frame battered and swayed to the beats of the wind channelling into Fu Lin's room. Fu Lin was embroiled within the sheets of his designated room, never batting an eye at the scene outside. Some very majestic scenic happenings were going on outside: leaves falling down from trees- as it should, the moon

shining beautifully, enlivening the night darkness- again as it should. And finally, the fruits falling down from a tree- extraordinary things people wouldn't have the fortune of gazing at every day.

At least that's what Fu Lin pretended it was as he frantically tried to focus on what's in front of him and ignored the looming shadow behind him.

As to how he came into this situation... Fu Lin wasn't quite sure himself.

He recalled everything that had happened from his jump out of the carriage with the General and shuddered at the recollection. After jumping down, he and the General instead of rolling around and falling right into a cushioned surface- like what happens to the heroes of Kanglun classics and fables- both him and the General end up hurting their buttocks and breaking a bone or two when they fell down. While both their bodies were littered with bruises and marks, Fu Lin took the most damage from the fall with a sprain to his ankle, rendering him unable to walk. Hence, the General had to support him all the way through the return expedition.

Because he sprained his ankle, Fu Lin was considerably slower than the General in his march and therefore the General had slowed his pace or completely stopped himself to give time for Fu Lin to close their gap. In one such situation, when the General was awaiting Fu Lin to catch up under a mango tree, a drop of bird excreta landed right on the General's head.

What happened after that was too hazy for Fu Lin to remember and right about now he kind of had an idea of why the General was shooting poisoned barbs at him through his eyes alone- he probably presumes that Fu Lin is responsible for the abrupt bird shitting.

"Your Highness, Prince Fu Lin."

To continue feigning ignorance when someone calls you out as clear as day is stupid at best and suicidal at worst. Hence, he very hesitantly turned his head around.

"Y-your Grace." He gulped.

A heavy, ominous silence ensued as Fu Lin struggled between keeping his eyes on the floor and not letting them meet the General's piercing gaze that seemed to be boring right through his head.

"You know what I'm about to ask you." The General's voice was almost accusative, and it confirmed Fu Lin's conjecture.

"Yes..." He looked down pathetically. It's about the bird shitting.

It was definitely that.

He was this close to turning around and asking how he could be responsible for the sudden call of nature that a bird experienced... he even had an argument about the General's hair resembling the most eye-catching bird toilet ready when the General's words landed like a stone pestle against water,

"Why did you attempt to rescue me?"

Fu Lin—all this time too terrified to peek at the General's face—now met his gaze dead in the eye. He appeared frazzled and confused as to why the General seemed so obsessed with this question. He probed into the General's eyes that were reflecting his own silhouette and those lock-like eyes were just that- locked and completely inaccessible.

Maybe the General wants to find an excuse to beat him up by triggering something offensive from his mouth?

He could not let that happen!

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 || 敵の旦那様 (𝐁𝐋) ✔ [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now