A Photograph Gone Wrong

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"Shhhh, don't wake them," a familiar voice hissed. I heard small chuckles but didn't know whose they were. I didn't feel like opening my eyes. I felt the warmth of a head on top of mine and an arm wrapped around me comfortingly. I groaned showing whoever was watching me that I was awake. I forced my eyes to open and in front of me, I saw Ava holding up her magic slab, which I found out was called a phone, and taking pictures.

"What are you doing?" I interrogated groggily.

"I'm taking adorable pictures of you and Asch," Ava replied, smirking.

The Daemos were standing behind her, smuggling giggles and spurts of laughter. I had just woken up and it had taken my brain a second to process what Ava had said.

"Wait what?" I asked, suddenly fully awake.

I moved my head to look beside me and, sure enough, there was my heat source, Asch. I push his arm out from behind my shoulders and gently nudge him.

"Asch, wake up," I whisper.

"Whatttt?" he whines without opening his eyes.

"You might want to get up. Everyone is staring at us," I murmured.

He bolted up, his onyx-black eyes wide, his limbs rigid with surprise.

Ava laughed and went back to looking at whatever was standing in front of the couch. Asch got up and went to talk to his knights. I overheard some of their conversation, calling what Ava was working on a "relic."

"Make I take a look?" I heard Rhys ask Ava.

"Yeah, go for it. Ain't gonna hurt ya. I- aw fudge. Well. Ugh," Ava grumbled.

I didn't know what she was on about, but I didn't care. All I cared about at the minute was getting the rosaberry-colored hue off my face before anybody else noticed. I could see Asch had a little pink on his face but not as much as me. Ava had gone to her room to get dressed while Rhys inspected the "relic."

"Well?" Noi queried.

"It's fascinating. There are so many runes inside of it," Rhys observed.

"Those aren't runes they're called gears and bolts and nuts, I guess?" Ava explained from behind the door to her room.

"And what are those?" Rhys pressed.

"I don't care all I know is that I'm hungry," I said, standing up. My stomach growled in agreement.

"They hold stuff together and make things work, is the best way I can describe them," Ava said walking out of her room. "Now stand back I'm going to attempt to fix this. Oh, and I have cereal in one of my cupboards if you want some Y/N. Humans usually eat milk with it but you might not want to do that."

"Thanks, Ava!" I cheered, racing around the counter and reaching for one of her higher cupboards. Unfortunately, I couldn't reach that one. Then I remembered that Ava is shorter than me and would therefore put it lower. I checked one of the lower cabinets and found it. "Munchie Scrunchies," read the box. I shrugged, got out of one of the bowls Ava showed me, and poured it in.

"Can I help?" Rhys inquired.

"Help? I- You know what, yeah. You can," Ava replied, blushing slightly.

"Oh, and Ava. Sorry about yesterday. I had no idea I was going to react like that to, what did you say it was, milk? In Euphoria I used to eat sweetberry honey with rosaberries every morning, well when I... You know what never mind."

Ava gave me a quiet nod and started telling Rhys what to do. I seated myself back on the couch with the bowl of cereal. After a little time of me absentmindedly crunching on cereal, the Daemos talking, and Ava and Rhys working on the relic Ava finally announced, "Phew, done."

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