Put On Your Human Clothes!

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My eyes flickered open as I awoke. The view of the ceiling was blurry until I blinked a few times. I then remembered what had happened, how I got where I was, and what I would do to that jerk of a prince.

When I sat up on the long cushiony thing, that I figured out was called a couch, I heard Sorceress Ava say, "We out." And head toward the door with a hornless Rhys following. Wait, hornless? That is not right. 

"What's going on?" I asked, turning my head to look at each of the males left in the room in confusion.

"Rhys gets to go out with the human sorceress because he got his human clothes on," Leif answered for me.

"B-But I got mine on too," I whined, flopping back down onto the couch.

"Yeah, but Asch almost killed you and you look so peaceful sleeping. I told no one to wake you," Noi admitted. 

"Aww, Noi, that's so sweet," I cooed. "I'm guessing she also told you to try and put your human clothes on?"


"Alright then," I began with a sly smile. "Noi, I'll help you to put on your human clothes because you're so kind. Everyone else can figure it out on their own." I stood up and made my way over to Noi, whose apricot eyes shone like stars in a sky not filled with pollution. I tugged him by his arm over to Ava's bathroom.

"Noi, I'm going to try to help you again. I'll be right outside the door instructing you the whole time, got it?"

"Ok, Prinxe Y/N!"

I stepped out of the room, closing the door behind me, and pressing my face against it, saying, "Can you hear me, Noi?"

"Uh-huh!" he replied.

"Good, now, take off your Daemos-demon clothes or whatever, and slip the shirt over your head, and pull your shorts onto your legs. One through each hole. Then you just put the hat on your head, and you can come out!"

"Done!" came Noi's voice from behind the door.

I grabbed the doorknob and turned it, letting Noi come out. What I hadn't noticed was the other Daemos had lost interest and went back into their wall palace, so they weren't here to witness Noi's fashion show.

"Let's go show Leif, Pierce, and Asch, shall we?" I asked, a small, playful, grin creeping across my face. 

Noi nodded and guided me through the magic doorway into the mini palace. Just like the previous time I had been there the exterior and architecture were exquisite and breathtaking. I followed Noi, my head still turning back and forth at every candelabra with an orange flickering flame. Soon, we heard Asch's voice shouting over the top of Leif's in his little thrown room. I now regretted my decision to have Noi take me, but we were already turning the corner, so it was too late.

I studied the scene in front of me. The human clothes were scattered on the floor and Leif and Asch's noses were almost touching they were so close. Pierce was simply just spectating with what looked like no intention of breaking up the bickering.

I let out a long sign and decided that dealing with these guys was like dealing with children, you have to babysit them every second of every day. "Break it up," I ordered.

Asch and Leif immediately turned to look at me and Noi. I conjured up a playful little wave of water and splashed each of them in the faces. I got a little chuckle out of Leif and an angry grunt out of Asch.

"Wow, Noi how did you put on the human clothes?" Leif questioned, coming up to study him.


"Nope, Noi will not be telling you. It's a test. I only helped him because he was nice to me. Do it yourself," I teased, bopping him on the nose with a feisty finger.

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