Getting Ready For A Park Disaster

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I was completely silent in the EL-LA-VA-TOR until I couldn't take the Daemos' yelling anymore. I shoved Asch out of the way and pressed the L button. Since there was no number one button I assumed it was that one. The demons all gave me looks of confusion when I sighed and decided not to explain it to them. 

Instead, I told them, "Only I can possess the magic of the box. Only those with common sense can wield the power of the magic elevator."

Noi's apricot eyes twinkled. "Wow! You're amazing!"

I tried not to let the guys see the crimson color that had flooded my face. "Thanks, Noi," I squeaked. "I know you guys want to get Ava back, but I have a feeling that she can handle herself. She's tough I know it! So, we are going back up."

Asch groaned, but Pierce agreed, "Yes."

"Wise decision, Prinxe Y/N," Rhys added.

"Thank you, Pierce and Rhys."

The elevator beeped and the doors opened. I quickly pushed the button to the floor that I remembered we were on and the doors closed after a second. I had never dealt with this type of technology before but found it quite simple to operate. 

When the elevator chimed again and the doors parted I dragged them out and back to the apartment. Once we were inside Asch groaned and flopped on the couch, obviously bored.

"What if we play a game?" I suggested, trying to lighten the mood.

"What's a game?" Noi asked.

"A game is a form of sport," Rhys defined.

"Well, this game is called hide and seek and is played by dragonets back... h-home..." My sentence drifted off. Thinking about Euphoria was painful sometimes. I missed traveling to the mystical forests and riding through colorful flower-filled meadows.

"Are you ok Y/N?" Noi questioned, coming over to me and placing comforting arms around me. I sunk into his warm embrace, quietly sobbing into his chest. The only thing I didn't notice was Asch, now sitting up straight on the couch, glaring at me in Noi's arms. Rhys came over on the other side of me and wrapped his arms around me too.

I didn't expect that from the formal Daemos but it was certainly welcome. Pierce got up from where he was sitting on a cushioned chair and wrapped his huge arms around us all. I had known Asch long enough to know he wasn't a hugger. He just looked at his knights with distaste and what looked like a bit of shock, but, then again, my blurry vision could be wrong.

"T-thanks you guys," I whispered loud enough for them all to hear.

Pierce backed away, then Rhys, and finally Noi so that I could calm my tears and grab something Ava had called a tissue and wipe my eyes. "We can play the game now if you-"

Before I could finish Leif hopped back into the apartment and put Ava down.

"Told you she could handle herself."

"You're seriously crazy. You're so lucky nobody else saw that," Ava told Leif.  

Ava's slab made a noise, she took it out of her pocket and gasped. "Oh no."

"What?" Leif inquired.

"My dad's asking about my Instagram account. How the heck did he find me? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I need to delete the pics before he gets the wrong idea like Mrs. Oats!"

"Wait, who won?"

"You did OK?!"

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, I knew I was better than Asch," Leif grinned smugly.

"No, you aren't. I will strangle you," Asch threatened, getting ready to pounce on Leif.

"No, you are not because technically I beat you both therefore I'm better than both of you. Now that that's settled, and if you say otherwise I will end you, I say we should all be getting a good night's rest, don't you agree Ava?" I stated.

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