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I woke up to someone banging on my 'room' door. "Parker! Get up! Do!" ughh. It's Mrs. Davis.
I heard her walking away from my door and her footsteps slowly receding. I sat down and looked at my mobile screen.

7:45 a.m. Why do they wake me up so early during the holidays?

Ohh. I know. Every Saturday is a day where adults can come and adopt someone. "Shut up!"
The last time you were here, someone came about three months ago...

Happy Adoption Day! Well, maybe someone will show up today. Well, it goes without saying that I'll be stuck here for a long time. People want younger kids with better backgrounds.
Someone wanted to adopt me once about a year and a half ago. Well, they didn't when they found out that everyone around me was dying. Or he leaves me like Ned.
Then I also have to do an internship. I have her two hours early every Saturday so YAY!
I left the abode with a book in hand and went down the stairs. The children were already running here and there, getting ready.

I didn't pay attention to it and sat by the window so I could read.

Half an hour later..

A quarter of an hour ago, the last applicants left and they just adopted a five-year-old girl. I think her name was Alice.Well, maybe he has a nice home. I was just preparing for my internship.
I walked out of the orphanage towards the tower. Then I remembered my bike. I took a few steps back and got on my bike.
Then I was already driving towards Avengers Tower. I always liked to ride a bike. And I'm still driving. I reached the tower and got off my bike. I put my bike in the rack and walked into the building.
I was heading for the elevator when I was stopped by someone calling my name.
"Peter! Peter!" I turned as Gwen ran up to me.
"Hello Peter! I haven't seen you in a long time" she said with a smile. I smiled too.
,,um Hi Gwen. Well, I'm still here" I said, it was true. She nodded, "of course, I meant that the two of us didn't see each other" she said still smiling.
,,Yeah I know. See you now" she laughed. "Okay" she waved "hello"
I laughed and also waved "hello." we just looked at each other for a while. "oh I have to! See you again sometime Peter!" she said, waving again with a smile.

I waved. Gwen was great. I noticed I was still waving and quickly stopped.

I entered the elevator, "fifth floor please" I asked looking at the ceiling. Friday answered me and her voice sounded amused.

"Hello, Peter, how are you," she said to me. "It couldn't be any better," I said with a bright smile towards the ceiling of the elevator.

"And you?" I added, yes even though it's artificial intelligence! "Great!" Friday said and I nodded.


The door opened "hello Peter" Mr. Clint said to me. I smiled "hello Mr. Clint" none of the Avengers told me their middle name. They probably knew why...

"That's enough Clint" Hawkeye said and walked into some doors. "So here you are, I was afraid you'd wandered off" I smiled even more.

"Mr. Stark, I'm not a puppy," I said, still smiling, but I was looking at the floor. So you probably couldn't see it.

"but you look like that" I looked at him and opened my mouth. Mr. Stark laughed.

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