SEVENTEEN / the fun of family.

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EPISODE 08 : WORST IN THE EAST( the fun of family )

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( the fun of family )

THE CREW ONLY had to wait a few seconds to be fully reunited. usopp came charging into the park, slingshot raised, only to find there was nothing left for him to do.

"where've you been?" anjali asked as she dusted herself off and stood up, helping the green haired man beside her do the same.

"oh, y'know. being awesome." he replied with a smirk. anjali nodded her head, choosing to let the man be instead of doubt him.

she was sure wherever he was, their sharpshooter had brought down at least one fishman.

anjali felt the earth rumble beneath her feet, and the giant structure of the inside of arlong park began to tremble.

"guys, is it just my eyes, or is that thing about or collapse?" she asked.

nami came running out the building, and sanji's face brightened as he spread his arms out and yelled with glee, "nami!"

the tangerine haired woman completely ignored him and threw herself at anjali, zoro, and usopp, squeezing them so tightly anjali could feel usopp's bony elbow digging into her ribcage.

"you're all okay!" she said, out of breath.

anjali grinned back at her. "i told you we'd be fine."

nami looked down at the bandana wrapped around anjali's arm. "did you get hurt?"

"yeah, but it doesn't hurt too much. i'll walk it off." the copper haired woman replied with a reassuring smile.

sanji lowered his arms awkwardly, and anjali offered the man a sympathetic glance. he cleared his throat and pretended as though nothing had happened, and that his soul wasn't crushed into a million tiny pieces.

"where's luffy?" zoro asked, slightly out of breath because nami had totally disregarded his now strained injury.

"still inside," she informed, and they all turned to the building. "fighting arlong."

"he's gonna be alright." usopp waved them off, but as the trembling of the building intensified, his confidence dropped. "right?"

anjali was about to agree before the building began to crumble, and large chunks began to fall out. from the very top, anjali could see the stretched out hand belonging to luffy as he brought it down, completely destroying the building.

"luffy!" nami yelled as the park was encased in dust, coughing and swatting away the bits of debris now within the air.

zoro used his body to cage anjali away from any falling pieces of tile or cement. the copper haired woman watched as the building caved into itself, loud booms echoing as each floor collapsed onto the next, until all that as left was a giant pile of rubble and dust.

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