TWO / tied up like a dog.

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EPISODE 01 : ROMANCE DAWN( tied up like a dog )

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( tied up like a dog )

ANJALI HATED THE color green. such a color reminded her of the youthful days when she was still a child.

green was roronoa zoro and his innate talent for swordsmanship.

zoro and his wild hair that tickled anjali's face when he slept soundly in her arms.

green was that stupid, stupid man that left anjali behind after kuina's death. without a word, only the trail of broken promises he walked all over marking his leaving to become 'the greatest swordsman'.

taking along with him her sword and any remaining fragments of their broken friendship.

anjali hates green. she hates that she still misses roronoa zoro's face, that she still wishes a part of him remembers her.

but that part of her is buried deep within, and all that remains is hatred.

she must cut off any ties to her villiage and live anew, otherwise her guilt and conscience will eat her up.

and roronoa zoro and that stupid green hair will be the first to be snipped off.

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SHELLS TOWN SOON became a maze for pearl. after the fight had broken out, the green haired man she was supposed to be confronting waltzed right into what she now knew to be a marine base.

without noticing her already out-of-place auburn hair, anjali had to rely on actually having to convey her thoughts through words instead of just a no holds barred swordfight like she was used to.

it wasn't the best idea at the moment, not when anjali was so fueled by anger that she might possibly end up harming the man physically.

her intention was to break him into pieces, but mentally. raising a hand towards roronoa zoro was like striking a child for kumar anjali.

and she was not a child beater.

twisting and turning back and forth throughout the marine base was almost a workout, if the sweat bearing her brow was anything do go by.

still, there was no sight of that cropped green hair, nor the fierce eyes of the now so-called 'pirate hunter'.

anjali thought back to her own feelings when looking at the bounties on the bulletin board earlier. it seemed they were still more alike than they were different.

on her mission across the marine base, a loud shouting interrupted her line of sight. the door to a barrack was open, and a familiar thick accent filled anjali's ears.

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