SEVEN / kuro of the thousand plans.

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EPISODE 04 : THE PIRATES ARE COMING( kuro of the thousand plans )

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( kuro of the thousand plans )

SHE DIDN'T KNOW how exactly she ended up knocked out and covered in dirt at the bottom of the well, nor how zoro had ended up in there with her, only that she had a pounding headache and a chunk of memories missing from last night.

also, anjali wasn't a big fan of cramped spaces that were nearly impossible to get out of.

breathing heavily, the copper haired woman gently shook her companion awake.

"wake up." she hissed under her breath. part of her didn't want to admit that she was scared being in such a small place and she needed someone's reassurance. "zoro, wake up!"

the bounty hunter's eyes fluttered upon, meeting anjali's alert eyes in the semi-darkness. their only light was the small sliver of moon positioned right in the middle of the well's exit.

zoro dusted himself off from the floor and clutched at his head. anjali remembered someone had hit both of them over the head, but she didn't remember who or why.

looking down at the dirt floor, anjali gasped in fear and almost fell over, only barely being caught by the man standing next to her.

merry's dead body lay a few feet away, his eerie lifeless eyes staring blankly up into the sky. anjali's trembling fingers reached over to cover her mouth, not allowing any more fearful whimpers leave her body.

this was the first time anjali had ever seen a dead body. her village had sheltered her from growing up palms-bloody and shoulders heavy with regret. now, anjali could see the truth behind every book she'd ever read.

pirates — not luffy's kind. real, everyday pirates — were plunderers who not only stole what they could get their hands on, but also stole lives away from the innocent.

"pearl, breathe." zoro's warm hand was on anjali's shoulder, bringing her back to the cold and dark well.

she choked out a breath, backing up from the motionless body lying at her feet.

"what happened?" she managed to ask, training her eyes away from the haunting reminder of a departed soul.

"the butler." zoro explained, holding anjali steady with his hands. "he's a pirate. kuro of the black cat pirates."

anjali did not back away from his touch, this time leaning in and allowing the man to cage her in his arms. he soothingly patted her back.

"we'll be fine, pearl."

anjali hoped that his words were genuine, because she found herself slowly seeking comfort from someone she was meant to leave behind.

"we need to get out of here." anjali said suddenly, looking up at the green haired pirate hunter. it was all she could do to stop feeling so suffocated in that tiny little well.

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