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"You are Tae Sung's girlfriend, right?"

My blood froze cold but I decided to stand upright, "Yes. May I ask the reason for this meeting?"

Park Yun Seo stared at me, "I heard you are a bright student of this university, so I hope you will understand."

He gestured with his hand, "You may know that from a very long time I wasn't quite able to attend to him. He was lonely for too long."

"You mean you were too busy with your 'real' family and business rather to look after him." I met his mad eyes.

He laughed, "You were quite bold, like I heard."

"Yes, you are right." He resumed, "Therefore, I want to give him one last chance. I have decided to offer him a high position in my company."

My cornea ruptured from stretching as he said, "Isn't it the time for him to get out of his hiding place and lead? You know his potential too. You will agree with me."

He was right. Tae Sung was far more than enough. With the appropriate amount of support and opportunities, he would reach the peak of business world in no time.

"So, I need your help to convince him." The CEO looked at me, "As much as you know, he won't listen to any word of mine but I bet he will listen to you. Might give it some thought too."

I pressed, "What if I decline?"

He slowly put his palms in his pockets and scoffed, "You either help your boyfriend reach the sky or you drag him down to hell with you. It's your choice."

He left me in cold feet.

The next day, I knew I had to talk to him about it. Only I didn't know what to say. We decided to meet in his home, when I told him that I had something to say. After my classes and the fest preparation, I waited for him inside his apartment.

"You are here?" He entered and took his coat off, "Want something to drink?"

"Water would be fine." Although I doubt if anything can go down my throat right now.

"Let's sit", he handed me the glass.

I take it without sitting, "Tae Sung."


"Uhh--" I scratched my forehead, unsure of how to start.

As I was about to speak, he spoke first, "Wait, I can already guess it. My dad came to you, didn't he?"

I meet his eyes as he nodded, "Of course, that old man."

I keep the glass on the coffee table after taking a sip, "I think you should think it over before taking any rash decision just because it's your father. It's a good opportunity."

"What about you?", his worried body language concerned me, "Would you be fine without me?" 

I crooked my eyebrows, "What does it have to do with me?"

"Ah, you haven't been informed of that, have you?" His scornful laughter apprehended me, "If I take his offer, I will have to completely move under his wing. Which means I will have to leave everything. And that includes you."

He sighed, folding his hands, "Probably he has started preparing my engagement with the daughter of some prestigious industrial group he wants to join hands with"

Something broke inside of me, probably my heart or all my bones. I knew nothing is forever but I didn't know good things came to an end too soon. Maybe because I never believed good things could exist.

Few minutes of silence draws between us as he studied me, waiting for my answer. I can't meet his eyes anymore.

Not after what I decided, "Tae Sung, take the offer."

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