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Six months had passed since that chaos. That's when everyone became aware about Tae Sung's identity including the professors. I checked upon him from time to time, but he was holding up well. That made me feel at ease.

The university's annual major fest swept near, making the whole campus go crazy. All day confused people would be running here and there, setting up props and perfecting every detail. As huge attention is drawn by this annual fest every year, the authorities take up strict rules and measures to regulate it. A wide range of activities is introduced by the clubs including cosplays and theatre competing within themselves.

Tae Sung and I were busier as usual because this fest played a significant role in our plans. While cooking up schemes, we found out the major secret of point acquiring could be possible only by being in the community rather than the activities, contrary of what the students believed. So, we signed off as respective members and started working.

Da Hyun and Ji won were with me, organizing stuffs and calculated the finances. Tae Sung had been in charge of collecting information from the clubs regarding materials and capital they need. We had been working for four hours constantly without break.

As we stretched ourselves, Tae Sung came with the info, "Seri, can you help me with this?"

"Yeah sure." I went to him.

He showed me the list, "Can you check this for me?"

"Yeah okay. Show me." I took the list from his hand.

As I looked through the list, my eyes widen as I felt his lips on him cheeks. I turned to look at Da Hyun and Ji won but they already half dead to notice anything.

I laughed, "That's why you called me? Like me that much?"

He made a cute face and scrunched his nose, "Yess."

"Get to work. I am busy", I walked towards my friends.

He grasped my hand, "Lets meet at my place after we are done."

"Okay." I nodded as we both head back to work.

The day passed by from sunrise to sunset. Everyone was exhausted and drained from overworking. And it was time to return.

I went to Tae Sung's apartment and entered the passcode on his door. As I set foot inside, I found the whole apartment empty, "Is he not here yet?"

"I am here." His voice came from nowhere.

I couldn't find him even after looking around. Then I saw a small hand peeking over the kitchen counter.

I bit my lips to stop my grin. He was sitting on the kitchen floor with that same white trench coat, white shirt and black pants he had been wearing this morning. The slick chain he wore dangled on his neck and those bracelets looked amazing on his veiny right wrist.

"Why are you sitting here when there's such an expensive sofa in your home?" I lowered my head to meet his face.

He patted the spot beside him directing me to sit down. I followed. Putting his head on my shoulder, he closed his eyes, "This place is perfect."

I let out a tired sigh, "You didn't even change after coming home."

He nodded, "Yeahh I was too tired."

"Well, it was obviously tiring." I leaned on the closet behind me.

"Have you ever heard?" He spoke on my shoulder, "The sound of a falling heart?"

"I can hear it when we are together." He resumed, "It feels you are breathing inside of me, Seri. Before you came, my life felt like a dream. Like I was just having a bad nightmare and needed someone to wake me up."

I caressed his head, "Me too. I have endured such a long and desolate road alone, but I don't have the will to do it anymore. When my tender heart dries up somewhere, it's you whom I want to fill in my heart, so that none of us fall down and keep going forward. No matter how deep the darkness lies ahead."

He held my hand, "Seri, do you want to go on a date?"

My eyes widened as he lifted his head, "Now?"

"Yess." He stood up and reached his hand to help me up.

I stared at him, "But aren't we tired?"

"Let's just go," he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the apartment to the parking lot.

We both got into his car and drove away when I asked him the destination.

"You will know when we reach there." He smiled.

After an hour of driving, we reached a cliff surrounded my trees. From there, the entire city was visible, groomed up with pretty lights and an extravagant view. Above us, the stars shined like they have never shined before. Fireflies lit up our surroundings. It was an unreal place, too beautiful to exist.

"Wowww. How did you know about this place?" I couldn't take my eyes off the view.

"A lone endeavor." He announced as he lied flat on the grass.

I copied him, lying by his side using his arm as my pillow. 

As we gazed at the stars together, I realized yet another fact. Just like how we gain an understanding of how it feels to live after experiences of near death, won't Tae Sung and I would learn to appreciate life now? Just like how we have to see the trees moving in order to feel the wind, wont we learn to appreciate the beauty of the light that we isolated ourselves from?

"So pretty", But right now I can't help myself but appreciate the beauty of the stars.

"Who me?", he turned to me.

I laughed, "Why you? I am talking about the stars."

He sucked air in his teeth, "But from what I can recall someone said that to me while I was sleeping. A long time ago."

Memories resurfaced. The day when we sat together in the classroom where he lied asleep on his desk next to mine. The day he claimed me as his girlfriend in the Therapy Ground. I covered my mouth with my palm to hide my embarrassment, "You heard that?"

He barely held his laugh. I shoved him, trying to forget my clumsiness.

And then I looked into his eyes, "If I told you about the darkness inside of me, would you still look at me like I am the sun?"

"I am doing it already." He caressed my cheek with his palm, "You are not only the sun, but your voice is like the medicine and your eyes like the stars, prettier than those stars in that black sky."

He smiled, "I will follow you until the ends of the earth Seri. Wherever you go, I will be right beside you, so that you don't fall down."

He pulled me close and kissed my forehead. I cuddled beneath his arm, ending up in a warm and tight embrace when my lips echoed my heart,

"Your arms feel like home than any house ever did."

The next day Tae Sung and I didn't get to meet because we were overloaded with fest work. So as usual, I returned to my hostel.

In the late evening Ji won came to call me, "Yoon Seri, somebody has come to meet you."

"Me?" I looked up from my books.

Heading down the stairs and the hallways, I met the back of the man who came to visit me outside the gate.

"How can I help you?" I stared at his back.

The sight of the man made my insides go empty with fear. The apprehension of something unpleasant swallowed me.

It was Park Yun Seo.  

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