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The next day at school, ryujin saw yeji outside the gates, on her phone. Ryu stopped, staring at yeji.

How can she be so so fucking beautiful, when all she's doing is standing?

Ryujin gulped and made her way over. Yeji looked up and smiled, seeing ryujin.

"Morning ryu."

"Feeling better?"

"Yeah." Yeji nodded.

"Cool. Um.. are you waiting for anyone?" Ryujin asked, curiously.

"Yes. Beomgyu."

Ryujin gulped harshly as she clenched her fists. She wanted to punch a wall right now.

Gosh, why am i so fucking angry? She's aloud to have friends... jeez.

"Cool." Ryujin said quite coldly, before she turned and walked away. Yeji watched her walk away, confused. She went to call her name but stopped when she felt a hand placed on her shoulder. She turned round and smiled, seeing beomgyu there.

"Gyuu." Yeji said happily.

"Hello beautiful." Beomgyu grabbed her hand and placed a gentle kiss on it.

No, they aren't dating. But yeji knows that beomgyu has a massive crush on her. But she only sees him as a friend.

But here's the thing, every time she's around beomgyu she has this weird sickening feeling in her stomach. A feeling that makes her want to stay away. But she ignores it, she fakes a smile and continues to hang out with him. I mean, beomgyu is nice, funny, kind, he's never hurt her or never even thought about it.

She trusted beomgyu.

Ryujin sat with her friends in form. She faked a smile and began talking so they didn't suspect anything, cause it's quite annoying when they ask her questions.

But every time the thought of beomgyu and yeji together, made her angry and upset.

She was jealous.

"So. Anyone up for skatepark after school today?" Yeonjun asked as he munched on one of his Thai spicy crisps.

"Sure. I'll come." Changbin said as he sneakily took a crisp out the packet, and munched on it quickly, without yeonjun knowing or seeing.

"Me too." Soyeon said.

"I'm down." Momo replied.

"Why not?" Jeongyeon agreed.

They all looked at Ryujin.

"Ugh, fine, I'll come."

They chat for a while longer before the familiar long haired girl walked in, but not just her, she was walking and laughing with Choi fucking beomgyu.

They sat down next to each other with yeji's friends.

"I think yeji and beomgyu are dating." Yeonjun said, changbin hummed and nodded in agreement.

"They're kinda cute together, too." Soyeon added.

"Awww, ryujin, did beomgyu take your wife away from you?" momo teased.

Ryujin glared at her, annoyed and angry "shut your mouth."

Momo just laughed.

Ryujin was distracted by beomgyu and yeji. She hated it how yeji was laughing at him, smiling at him, staring at him when he wasn't even looking at her, or when he wasn't even talking.

She hated it all, in fact.

There was such an odd feeling with beomgyu. He was a weird guy, he was also quite strong.

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