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Yeji walked in form room the next morning, ryujin wasn't there. The only one in the room was one of her best friends, dahyun. Yeji smiled and walked over, sitting next to her.

"You okay, dah—"

"No yeji. You're acting so much more different around ryujin. You guys despised each other so much, that you even made a death plan to kill her. What happened to all that? All the arguments? All the fights? All the swearing and cursing to each other? All the pushing and shoving? All the harsh words? What happened to you guys hating each other? How are you suddenly friends? You don't even hang out with me and the others anymore." Dahyun confessed.

Yeji gulped and looked away.

"I'm sorry—"

"Its fine. But how are you friends with her after everything that's happened in the past?"


"I don't really know myself... it's just. Recently she's been there for me, she's cared for me, and it's just.. strange."

"Chaeryeong told me."

Yeji looked at her immediately "told you what?"

"A couple weeks ago ryujin accidentally told you that she liked you. But ever since then you've guys have been friends, and gotten closer. Are you dating or what?"


"Then why act like it?"

"UGH." Yeji stood up, the chair flying back and hitting the ground, she grabbed her bag and left, slamming the door behind her.

Ryujin was walking down the hall happily, a smile spread across her face, as she was walking side by side with jeongyeon, talking about random crap.

She looked in front and saw yeji, but she looked sad, perhaps?

"Yeji." She said, making the brunette haired girl look up at her and give a small smile.

"Morning ryujin, morning jeongyeon."

"Your going the opposite way of form." Ryujin pointed out.

"I know, that's the point." Yeji said, sounding annoyed.


"Dahyun's pissing me off."

"Isn't she your best friend?"

"Yeah.." yeji said quietly.



"Where are you going then?" Jeongyeon asked.

"I'm skipping form and maybe first lesson. I can't be bothered, honestly. If the teachers ask where I am, say I'm in medical." Yeji said before she walked past and left. Ryujin and jeongyeon watched her as she walked away.

School ended. Though Yeji didn't show up at all throughout the day, didn't even see her once.

Ryujin quickly walked to yeji's once school ended. She rung the doorbell and stood there, patiently waiting.

Soon enough the door opened, and hyunjin stood there. He smiled, holding a fizzy drink bottle.

"Heyyyy, ryujin. I haven't seen you in a while." He said as he fist bumped her. Ryujin smirked.

"And remember I beat your ass in basketball last year?"

"Shut up." Hyunjin rolled his eyes "what you here for?"

"Yeji." Ryujin answered with a innocent smile.

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