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"Fucking move Hwang" Ryujin said as she nudged into Yeji's shoulder. Yeji turned to her and groaned annoyed, catching the others attention as she also turned and they met eyes.

Ryujin smirked.

"I wasn't even in your way! You did that on purpose." Yeji hissed.

"Mhm, right. Psh, do whatever you want Hwang. Your just a stupid girl that I'll always hate." Ryujin said, Yeji rolled her eyes.

"As if I'm any different." Yeji said before she turned and continued walking. She heard Ryujin scoff before she also turned and walked away.

Hwang Yeji. Shin Ryujin. Enemies. Absolutely hate each other and always will. No matter what.

Hwang Yeji, a nice hardworking girl. She has a lot of friends, a alot of boys ask her out and ask for her number, but she always refuses and always rejects them. She's not really interesting in dating right now. She absolutely hates Ryujin. She wants to rip her head off so bad. That's her biggest dream.

Shin Ryujin, a hard working girl but she is a troublemaker. Not scared of anything. She is the basketballs team leader as she is very sporty and competitive. She is only attracted to women, but hasn't really been interested in dating anyone and hasn't found anyone that she would want to date. She isn't really interested. She also hates Yeji, she wants to rip her head off, too. That's also her biggest dream.

Of course, they go to the same school and have to face each other a lot. They see each other in the hallways, in assembly, in the cafeteria, around school and in lessons.

They always see each other and it really annoys the both of them.

Oh how they hate each other so fucking much.

Anyway, let's go back to the present.

Ryujin walks away from Yeji, huffing. So annoyed.

I mean, yeah, she did do it on purpose just to annoy Yeji. As if she'd ever admit that.

She walked through the doors and into the gym as she put her bag down near the door, next to everyone else's bag. Her team saw her as they smile and wave. She waves and smiles back as they all say hi to each other, she walks over to them.

"I'll go change in the changing room, I'll be out soon." She said. They all nod as they continue to practice as Ryujin jogs to quickly change into her basketball outfit.

She soon finished as she ran back out and jogged over to them.

They then got on with practicing.

They have an upcoming game in 2 weeks, so they have to practice hard as much as they possibly can.

Since the team they're going against has a lot of competitive players. But so does Ryujin and her team, so it's fine, right?

After about an hour they soon had a break as they are all panting and sweating, grabbing some water to quickly gulp down. Ryujin stands outside for a while, the cold breeze brushing against her as she takes a big deep breath, drinking some water. Suddenly someone stands next to her.

"Ryu, are you excited for the upcoming match in two weeks?" One of her teammates asked.

"Yeah. You?"



"Changbin, do you think we will win?" She asked her teammate as she gulped down some more water.

"Yeah, don't we always win? We've only lost once. And that was ages ago, the other times we've won." Changbin said, making a good point.

"True." She said.

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