Dragon Tales Discord

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Hello!  Some of you may recognize this book from when I was using it to talk about my Patreon, buuut I've since ceased to really focus my direction on that for a few reasons.  It wasn't really panning out, my Dreamland Ko-Fi is doing way better, and I was sad keeping stories behind a paywall.  I kept them behind it not really to get money for them but to offer a reward for people who paid, but it still made me sad.

Anyway, that all said, I still have a Patreon, still have a Ko-Fi, people can still support there if they wish, but this book is no longer really going into detail about that.

Instead, I am using this book to A - once again tell everyone I have a discord you all should join if you want to hang out with me and talk about my books and B - show you the first chapters of works I'm writing offline.  These offline works, by the way?  I'm posting them to Discord for ALL there to read.  So even more motivation for you to join!  I am currently posting a couple things there, though one is definitely far more just self-indulgent fun that may die out on a whim.  We shall see ;)

For those wondering why I'm not posting the works on here yet, there are a few reasons.  For one, having a work written offline and then posting is very beneficial for a posting schedule!  Another is that I don't like starting and stopping posting a project, which I've had happen with a couple of iterations of one of the works, and I always fear happening with side projects (which I tend to consider most things that aren't TDS or A Curse of Twisted Dreams related).  So I'm doing it like this just to be safe.  But I desire to put it somewhere, so I put it to discord in the hopes maybe someone will possibly read.

If you are interested in the Dragon Tales discord link, let me know and I'll short you the link in a DM!  Also, you can go further ahead to see the summaries and first chapters of the books I'm posting to Discord.  They will eventually make it to Wattpad, but I have no idea when that day will be.

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