1.1 || The Missing Chosen

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Only chapter one will be posted to this book as a preview.  The rest will be on Discord.  I do plan to post to Wattpad at some point, but I do not know when.  Please be aware that everything you see is subject to change.


The world had finally noticed it lost its chosen one, and now it had come looking for her.

Ash knelt near the closed attic hatch, the smallest crevice letting her peer down on the top of her parents' heads. There wasn't much room to see through, but it was more than enough to let in the conversation.

"You haven't heard from her at all?" Desperation filled Lord Farley's voice. He had been the most joyous when the gods chose a citizen of Lumena Village. Her success would have elevated the village and brought great glory to it—as well as him. Farley made it no secret that he saw his family's position at such an out-of-the-way village as an embarrassment. "Surely, Percival, you must have at least gotten a letter."

"My Lord, if we knew anything about our daughter's whereabouts, we would tell you," Ash's father assured.

The shock of blond hair that belonged to Ash's mother shifted forward. "We are just as worried for Odella as you are, Lord Farley."

And it was then that a hand fell on Ash's shoulder.

She managed to bite back her squeak of surprise as she spun around, but the sudden movement caused her to bump into one of the crates stored there. The thud was quiet, but it could as well have been thunder with how loud it was in her ears.

"Did you hear something?" Lord Farley asked. "Is there something on your roof?"

Ash's breath caught in her throat as she held absolutely still. Her heart's frenzied race echoed in her ears, and she was sure it would further give them away.

Her mother let out a breathy laugh. "I am so sorry, My Lord. This is so embarrassing. You see, we actually are experiencing a bit of a pest problem. I am so very sorry that you had to lower yourself to enter such a poor home."

The Crest household was one of the most well-kept in the village. Any of the other citizens would have seen through the lie, but Farley was not familiar with the very people he lorded over.

"Well, I hope you can deal with the infestation swiftly," Farley said, his voice an octave higher. "And if you hear anything, anything at all, I implore you—"

Ash tuned out the rest of the conversation now that she knew they were safe. She carefully shifted around, avoiding any spots that would creak, to face behind her.

Odella stood there, blank eyes staring down at her.

Ash could never look at her twin anymore without her heart giving a painful lurch. It felt like the more Ash looked upon this version of Odella, the further away the true Odella became. Memories of her so full of life and passion that she shone as brightly as the hottest sun were slowly giving way to this blank shell of a girl.

Swallowing back the swell of emotions in her throat, Ash put on the sternest face she could muster. "Odella," she whispered low enough it would be lost to those conversing below, "I told you to stay seated."

Her twin said nothing in response; instead, she placed her open palm to her stomach. Lord Farley had arrived shortly before they were supposed to have midday meal, and even now, the smell of the stew wafted through the floorboards.

Ash reached out, taking Odella's hand and squeezing it. "Soon, Odella, soon. I promise."

Odella nodded, turned, and returned to her seat on the chest, all as silent as the ghost that she was.

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