First Kiss

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I was able to go home three weeks after arriving at the hospital. Kakashi had stayed with me through it all, spending every night by my side on what I guessed would be a very uncomfortable chair. He set up a small 'office' that basically only consisted of his laptop, which was his best attempt at working remotely.

I had told him he could go back home and go to work like normal, but he wouldn't listen. He'd only leave when Sakura, Ino, Hinata or Sasuke would come visit. The girls would stay a few hours at a time, gossiping and drinking tea like we usually did at their houses. It was nice having friends. I might have been stuck in a hospital bed, but I felt free.

I did have the occasional nightmare, and Kakashi had insisted on me getting a therapist. The sessions were on his computer, and he would leave during those to give me privacy. My broken ribs were what was taking longer to heal, and I had a mild case of PTSD, but other than that I was fine.

Kakashi would get phone calls regarding updates about the entire Daniel case. He was in jail awaiting trial, and Kakashi had told me I wouldn't need to testify. He did take pictures of my injuries, as did the cops. They took a statement from me, and they had both our numbers in case they needed something else.

Orochimaru had sent flowers and a get well soon card, but they quickly vanished from this earth, much to my relief.

I had spent my birthday in the hospital, but Kashi promised I'd have a makeover birthday the second I was well enough for it.

Kakashi opened the door for me and I stepped into our condo. I hadn't been here for weeks, and I had to admit I missed this. It was our little place, my safe haven. Kakashi went to unpack the little bit of clothes he had managed to get to the hospital. He went to do laundry while I went into our bedroom.

I laid down on the bed, looking at the ceiling. I knew I should wash up, but it felt nice to be in my bed again. I heard Kakashi's footsteps coming up to the room and the door being pushed open.

-This is where you went, you sneaky little fox.

I giggled at the nickname, the action hurting my ribs a little. Kakashi sat next to me on the bed.

-Do you want an ice pack or a heating pad?

I shook my head.

-I need to take a shower. I just need the motivation to get up. I replied.

-Then, how about this? If you get up in the next five minutes, I will cook whatever you want for diner.

A grin plastered itself on my face.

-Whatever I want?

-Yes? Kakashi said hesitating.

I guessed he didn't like the look on my face. I got off the bed as fast as I could in my current condition. I went to the wardrobe to get some new clothes to wear and I headed to the conjoined bathroom. I stopped close to the door, noticing that Kakashi was still looking at me move around. I walked to him, gave him a kiss on the head, and swiftly left without turning around. I just imagined his surprised face in my mind and giggled again.

I took a long time in the shower. It was hard to scrub my hair or my body went one arm couldn't go above my shoulders and I couldn't bend over. The warm water did feel great on my body, though. I shut down the water and tried my best to dry off. My hair was the worst part and I gave up halfway.

I walked out of the room with my clothes messily put on and the towel around my neck. Kakashi noticed immediately and beckoned me over. I shuffled my way there and he fixed my outfit before making me sit down so he could help dry my hair. I sat down between his thighs, and he swiftly got the work. Once my hair was almost all the way dry, he threw the towel into the bathroom and gently wrapped his arms around me. My back pressed against his chest. It felt great to be in his embrace. He was careful, gentle. I had never been touched that way. I had never cuddled before meeting him. Everything was purely physical. I didn't have a choice. But nothing about this was physical. We were just basking into each other's company. It was relaxing. I closed my eyes and leaned into him even more.

-You can take a nap later, but don't fall asleep yet. You need to tell me what you want me to cook.

I snorted lightly before smiling again, even though he couldn't see.

-I'm not really hungry right now, but I guess I can have something sweet.

-Something sweet? Like dessert?

I could hear his confused tone.

-I would've said snack, but dessert works better, I guess. Am I allowed to have dessert before diner?

-Quit talking in riddles, what is it that you want?

I slightly turned around as best I could to make eye contact.

-A kiss would be nice.

The expression he wore was fabulous, but I needed to stay serious, so I refrained from laughing.

-Are you sure? He asked.

-Do you not want to?

He cupped the side of my face and rubbed my cheek with his thumb.

-Of course I want to, how could you think I wouldn't?

-Then do it.

He seemed to be hesitating, so I fully turned around in his lap.

-Don't overthink it. Just do it.

He was looking on the ground, arms still around me.

I put my finger under his chin and forced his eyes back on me. I closed my eyes and gave him a peck through his mask. I wanted him to be the one to remove it. It was his boundary and I would not cross it.

Kakashi took a deep breath and tore his mask off his face and pulled me into him with a hand behind me head.

The kiss was delicate and sweet. I knew he wouldn't go too far and I trusted him entirely.

He pulled apart quickly, an apprehensive expression in his face. I smiled happily at him and he pulled me into his chest. Only then, did I realize he was shaking. Maybe I was also shaking.

-How can you be this adorable, Naruto?

-I was born this way.

He laughed and he didn't let go of me for a while, but neither did I.

I know I haven't posted in a while. I lost motivation,  but I really want to try and finish this, much to my sister's disgust lol (she really doesn't approve of Kakanaru 😂). Hope you enjoy this chapter though!

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