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-Daniel, to what do we owe the displeasure? Kakashi's voice rang out behind my ear.

I sighed in relief, but then again, I didn't know what was going to happen when we got home tonight. After all, Kakashi only kept me around because of his uncle.

-Kakashi, I knew you'd pop up at some point. Daniel said with a grin.

-What can I say? Seemed like fun. kakashi answered.

I could feel the tension in the air. It made me want to do whatever was asked of me so I could leave as fast as possible.

-Can I borrow your pet for a couple of minutes?

-I don't really feel like sharing, Kakashi replied and tightened his hold on me.

-I think it's better if you leave, I heard Sasuke next to me.

I turned around to look at him. He looked intimidating with that scowl on his face. Daniel smiled and shook his head before retreating.

I felt Kakashi's front slide behind my back as he pulled me closer.

-Are you okay? He asked me concerned.

I nodded slowly.

-I don't like him.

Kakashi giggled and the sound made me blush.

-No one does, he said after calming down.

We went back to sit at our table and Kakashi introduced me to Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke's brother.

We were all sitting around the table and they were chatting while I was listening. Kakashi and Sasuke chatted about a project they were doing for work. Itachi was talking about ways to make it easier and if he could help, and Sakura was saying how it was a great idea. I didn't really get what the project was exactly, but no one seemed to mind me, so I didn't say anything. It's not like I had anything to share either.

When a little silence stretched after the conversation, Sakura decided to talk to me again, bringing the attention of the whole table.

-So, Naruto, how old are you?

-I'm almost 18, I replied somewhat sheepishly.

-So you're the youngest out of us.

-What do you do for work? Sasuke asked intrigued.

-I've been working in a bar for a little while, I lie quickly.

I thought I had answered too quickly before I saw everyone nod in understanding.

-Aren't you too young to work there though? Itachi retorted.

I forced myself not to show the surprise on my face. I thought quickly before coming up with a reply.

-I know someone in the business.

Sakura did was she did best, which is change topics randomly. She chose one that could include me, and kept asking me about what I thought and such. It was a nice afternoon.

Kakashi was throwing back glasses of champagne, but he forbade me from drinking any because I was still underaged. Drinking just wasn't something I found interesting in any way.

So, I just watched as Itachi and Kakashi got more and more wasted. Sasuke looked at his brother disappointed. Kakashi used a straw so he could keep his mask on, which just made me even more curious to see what he was hiding.

When Sasuke decided the two of them were drunk enough, he called a taxi for me and Kakashi and dragged his brother to his car with the help of Sakura.

I decided some fresh air would help Kakashi sober up enough for the ride, so I helped him stand up and we made our way outside.

The sky had turned dark and the streets were full of cars. The traffic was going to be horrible. I let Kakashi sit on the stairs in front of the building and I stood beside him.

He must've fallen asleep, because when I shook him he jumped a little. He looked around for a bit before looking up at me. He lifted both his arms, and I understood he wanted me to lift him up, so I did. I pushed him in the taxi and got in next to him. I asked him his address to tell the driver and we were off.

He let his head rest on my shoulder and I didn't push him away. His body slowly started leaning on me as he fell asleep again. He started shivering for no reason, so I pulled him closer and wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

A good twenty minute drive later, the taxi pulled up to the building, and I woke Kakashi up again to get inside. He let most of his weight rest on me as we waited for the elevator to come down to us.

-Sorry for drinking this much... He mumbled in the elevator.

-It's alright, I replied.

-You can take the bed tonight, I'll take the couch.

I was a little surprised at first. Wasn't he and I supposed to do it tonight? Or was he too drunk to even think about it? Had he already forgotten?

-It's your house. I'll take the couch.

-You're the guest. Take it, it's fine.

We made it in front of the door and Kakashi found his keys in his pockets. He unlocked the door and all but crashed on the couch. He was out like a light. I turned off the lights and found a blanket for him. I grabbed a cup of water and went through the cupboards to find some aspirin.

I set all of it up next to him on the coffee table next to him and I headed to sleep.

I pondered if I should take a shower, but I didn't. I took off the suit and found the clothes I had on earlier. I was debating if I should put them back on, but I decided I would just snoop in the drawers. I found a navy shirt and pulled it on. I slipped under the covers and my eyes were wide open. So many things had happened today that I didn't know. It was the first time since I was four that I slept into an actual bed. I only had a blown up mattress at the bar. I slowly fell asleep, awfully aware of my surroundings.

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