Detention - I

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Before we start I would like to mention that they are all aged up!
Vance: 18 (junior)
Bruce: 17 (junior)
Finney, Robin, & Billy: 16 (Sophomores)
Griffin, Amy, Gwen: 14 (eight graders)

Bruce looked at his watch as he stood outside the door the lead to his impending doom. 4:09 the clock read. "One minute 'til I'm officially late," Bruce sighed, gripping his backpack strap. He sighed, raising his other hand and knocking softly on the door that read DETENTION in big, black bolded letters.

The door opened and there stood Mr.Meyers. "Welcome, Yamada," the bald man nodded at Bruce, allowing him to step in. Bruce took a deep breath before walking in. When he stepped in he got stares of shock and confusion, but he got one smirk. That one smirk was from none other than the detention whore Vance Hopper. "Please take a seat in front of Hopper."

Bruce sighed, but nodded his head as he walked to the back of the classroom. When he sat down he could feel Vance's smirk burning into his back. Great, Bruce thought.

"Now," Mr.Meyers announced, "you all know why you're in here." Bruce glanced around at the room that held him and the five other kids. "I'm going to go get your papers from the printer. I will be right back. Don't start anything." He said, walking out of the room, locking them in.

The moment the clicks of the man's fancy shoes got quieter Vance stood and sat on Bruce's desk. "Could you maybe get off?" Bruce asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

Vance just smiled as he got off and sat on the floor next to Bruce. Bruce just huffed, facing forward and crossing his arms. "Tell me, Yamada," Vance started, tilting his head, resting it on his own shoulder, "what're you doing in detention?"

Bruce clenched his teeth together as he glared down at the curly haired blonde. He stayed silent, examining Vance's looks closer. Vance was missing his right front tooth but the rest of his teeth were crooked, he had a slope nose, big eyebrows, and feminine eyes too. Vance's eyes were on the darker blue side, but sometimes they went lighter when he was mad, Bruce could tell.

"Well, Yamada?" Vance stared back at Bruce, taking in his looks as well. The way his pink lips hid his straight, white teeth. The way his hair looked neat even after a whole day of school. Or even the way his dark brown eyes were easy to fall into. Vance even found it interesting the way he was so hard to read, yet you could see his feelings in his facial expressions. "Why are you in here?" He asked, smiling wide as he noticed the annoyed expression on Bruce's face.

"Why should I tell you, Vance?" Bruce huffed, looking forward again.

"Because I'll just annoy you the whole two hours we're in here," Vance smiled.

Bruce sighed deeply, "you're going to do that either way, Vance."

Vance giggled, knowing that Bruce was right. "You should still tell me, Yamada," Vance smiled, "I'll tell you why I'm in here."

"Let me guess," Bruce glared down at Vance, "you got into a fight?"


"Then what?"  Bruce asked.

Vance wore a mischievous smile, "you tell me why you're in here first."

Bruce huffed, furrowing his eyebrows. He contemplated on if he should actually tell Vance. What he did wasn't in character for him, and he could guess that vance would harass him about it. "Fine," Bruce sighed, "I was caught skipping third period."

"Aww, you're such a bad boy for that, Bruce," Vance giggled meanly. Bruce sighed, rolling his eyes as Vance continued to be dramatic. "You gotta be better at skipping."

Falling for Trouble - brance [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora