84. Medicines

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A very short update....

Happy reading...


Aadya's POV

I descended the stairs and settled at the dining table not before greeting everyone.

Monster descended the stairs in Burgundy shirt and black pant after a while. I must say..he looked damn hot in burgundy. I felt heat flushing to my cheeks and ears. Everytime he wears the colour I feel like a teenager.

I found it difficult to shift my gaze from him.

He greeted everyone and seated next to me.

He cleared his throat and that was when I came back to my senses. I shifted my gaze.

"What's the breakfast?" asked Khushi.

"Puri" replied Annapurna attayya (mother-in-law).

"Puuriiiiii" Khushi exclaimed.

She grabbed the casserole from Dhruv when he was about to serve himself.

"Monkey" he scoffed.

She served herself and then passed the casserole to me.

"You're such a jerk" Dhruv playfully hit her head.

"Amma (mom) look. He is hitting me" Khushi complained.

"When did I hit you? Stop overacting" Dhruv spoke back.

I was about to serve myself when monster grabbed the casserole from me.

"Oh god! When will you people stop fighting like kids?" Annapurna aunt complained.

I frowned at monster but to my surprise he took out the puri from the casserole and put it in my plate. I looked at him startled. He served two more and served himself and passed the casserole back to Dhruv who was sitting infront of him.

He served some curry into my plate and then served himself.

I looked at Khushi who was keenly looking at us...not only Khushi the whole family was looking at us in amusement.

Monster was never a person who even lifted a bowl to serve for himself. He was always pampered among the trio.

Khushi teased me by making her eyebrows dance. I gave her a stern look and everyone went back to normal after a few seconds.

I finished eating and was about to get up when monster held my hand and prevented me.

I gave him a puzzled look and sat back. He finished eating and took my plate.

"I can carry my plate" I uttered.

"It's alright" he got up and walked towards the kitchen.

"Not bad" said Dhruv.

I gave him a death stare and he continued "Not bad Mom! The puris are good" and gulped the lump formed in his throat.

I got up and stepped out of the house after washing my hands.


Aadya's POV 

I was searching for a loophole in a file when the telephone rang. Not lifing his head from the files, Monster lifted the call and answered.

He stood up in no time. Frown lines appeared on his forehead. In no time he rushed to the door. 

"What happened Sir?" I asked but he already left.

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