76- Sir

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Aadya's POV

Flashback continued...

I woke up and got ready and headed to court after having breakfast.

As soon as I reached the court, I saw monster who seated on a bench.

Without uttering a word, I sat next to him and we were called by the lawyer.

We entered in and sat opposite to the lawyer.

"Mrs. Aadya. Are you sure about the divorce? Today is the final hearing" asked the lawyer.

I looked at monster and then at the lawyer and nodded my head.
But I didn't know why...I didn't feel like giving divorce. All the incidents flashed in my mind.

I looked at Omkar. He was upset and it was quiet evident but he didn't want to convey it by words. But his eyes said everything.

The way he said not to leave while being unconscious.

The way he got frightened when the man tried to kill me... He had tears in his eyes that day.

All those were flashing in my mind.

"Think properly and decide Aadii...once you leave him, you will not be able to get him back" said my inner voice.

After a while, we were asked to be present infront of the judge. We entered the room and the first thing judge asked was "So Mrs.Aadya. Is this your final decision? If it is yes then we will proceed as your husband never had any objection with the divorce"

"I... I don't want divorce" I said.

"What?" said the lawyer.

"I don't want divorce Sir. But my husband" I said and looked at monster who was standing opposite to me and continued "I don't know what he wants"

"Mr. Omkar. What do you want? Do you want the divorce?" asked the judge to which he looked here and there but didn't answer anything.

"I'm asking you Mr. Omkar" said the judge but monster kept mum.

"It looks like you two are having communication gap. I will give you three months time. Spend time with each, know each other, understand each other and then give your final decision after three months. Mrs. Aadya..stay with him for three months and then decide" said the judge.

End of flashback...

Omkar's POV

I didn't know what changed Aadya's decision all of a sudden that day.

"Why didn't you divorce me? You were so much into divorce. Everything was set but what changed your decision?" I asked..

She freed herself from my hand and turned back and left the room.

We reached the dining table after a while.

"I'm happy that you returned Aadii" said pinni (aunt)

"Even we too" said everyone in unison.

" I too" I said in my mind.

Aadya started feeding me idli. I hated idli..but I didn't throw any tantrums as I didn't want to lose the moment.

We had the breakfast and soon stepped into the car. She started driving and I sat silently not knowing what to speak. All I could do was, looking at her all the while when she was driving.

We reached office and she sat in the chair infront of me in the cabin. I opened my laptop and started working.


I was typing a quotation for a proposal when I got stuck with a statement. Thinking about it I unknowingly lifted my head from the laptop and looked at Aadya. Her eyes, her eyebrows, her nose, her cheeks and especially her lips... They are intoxicating and I'm getting addicted to them.

"Well you are only wasting the time looking at me like this Sir" she said not even lifting her head from the laptop.

"Will you stop calling me Sir for god's sake?" I said irritated to which she lifted her head from the laptop and looked at me and said "Sir.. I think you are forgetting that you are my boss"

That irritated me more.

"Once you used to call me by my name right. Call me by my name" I said.

"Once you used to get irritated when I call you by your name. And now...now you are getting irritated for addressing you as Sir. I mean what's the problem sir?" she said.

"The problem is that I got habi....." I was about to speak but soon realised and said "forget it. Don't call me Sir. That's it"

"Then what do I call you? You're my boss" said Aadya.

"I said right..call me by my name" I said.

"And what if I don't listen to you?" she asked.

"I am your boss and you need to listen to your boss. I can do anything if you don't obey me" I said sternly.

"Do whatever you want. I will call you sir only" she said.

"I think you are not aware of what I am capable of" I said.

"I very well know that you can't do anything sir" she said and that woke up the animal in me.

"Ohh!!! I can't do anything" I said and continued "then don't complain after seeing what I can do"

"Huhh!! You and doing something..not possible" she mocked.

And that was the end of my patience.

"So you think I can't do anything" I said.

"Do you have any hearing issues sir? I am saying the same thing since a while" she said.

I got up from the chair and started nearing her like a lion nearing it's prey.

She stood up from the chair seeing me nearing her. I took a few steps towards her and she took backward steps. I took a few steps and she took a few more steps. At last we reached the couch and unknowningly she fell on it. I sat beside her and held her right hand with my left one.

She held my hand with her other hand and tried to free herself from my grip but I was strong enough to not leave her. In the process of freeing herself, I captured both her hands in my left hand and neared my face to her's. I looked into her eyes and then at her lips. They looked so yummy.

She tried to speak something and the movement of her lips felt so inviting. Without thinking twice I crashed my lips on her's and started kissing her hungrily. She moaned and that ignited the fire in me. I bit her lips and she gasped. That gave me entrance to deepen the kiss.

It was a domineering kiss. I poured all my anger in it. I bit her lower lip and started licking it. She tried to move her hands which were captured by my hand but I held her hands and kissed her again with my whole dominance.

After a long dominating kiss I parted from her face and looked at her. She was still in the shock.

I slowly neared her ear.

"Call me Sir once again and you will see what more I can do to you" I whispered and she shivered.

I don't know why but all of a sudden the thought of her moaning my name under me while we will be making out hit my brain as I witnessed her shivering listening my words. A smirk appeared on my lips.

I looked at her and in no time left her hands and got up from the couch.


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