35. Changed opinions

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Khushi's POV

I stepped out of the ballroom and was casually looking here and there. I was frozen looking at the scenery at the corner of the floor. Shocked would be an understatement. Annayya (brother) was passionately kissing someone.

I pinched myself to check if it was a bad dream. Hell no. It wasn't a dream. I walked towards them. They were so busy in their work that they didn't even notice me coming.

I pulled annayya back. He turned back to see who am I. I raised my hand and slapped him without thinking twice.

Omkar's POV

We were in our own world kissing each other. I was pulled back suddenly. I turned back to check who was that. Before I could see the person's face I was slapped. I gained senses and looked at that person. It was Khushi.

"Khush..." I was about to speak but she cut and spoke
"Shut up. Just shut up. I couldn't believe it. You're cheating on vadina"

She gave me a disgusted look. She looked at Priya and said "You. I don't know who you are. Don't you have shame running behind a married man?? I know why you're behind him.. for his money right. You bitch..."

Khushi was giving cuss words to Priya. My blood boiled listening to them. I pulled Khushi towards me and slapped her. I couldn't believe that I slapped my little sister. But I had to. She was cussing Priya.

"Don't dare Khushi. Don't you dare talk impolietly to Priya" I warned her pointing my index finger towards her.

She left. I told Priya to leave the place.

Khushi's POV

I couldn't believe that annayya slapped me...his little sister. For whom?? For that bitch. I walked away in disbelief.

I stepped into the room and changed my frock. I entered the second floor. That girl wasn't in sight. She might have left.

I stood at the entrance of the ball room and looked at my happy family. Their talks and laughs.. tears rolled down my cheeks. What would happen when they would get to know about annayya's affair??

I looked at vadina. She was conversing with her parents. How could annaya cheat vadina?

Then I understood why vadina always used to be lost in thoughts..why she didn't plan anything for annayya's birthday. When I was feeling this bad knowing the truth then what vadina might have been going through?? She was heart broken for sure.💔

I looked at annayya. He was happily having talks with his friends. My blood boiled looking at him. I just wanted to shout infront of everyone about his truth but couldn't.

Aadya's POV

I looked for Priya. She wasn't in sight. Huhh.. She might have left. I felt relieved.

Guests started departing. All left except the monster's family and mine. I hugged attayya (mil) and smiled. I looked at Khushi to hug her. She was happy a while ago. What changed her mood all of a sudden?? She was lost in thoughts. I didn't ask her anything infront of the family. I hugged her and soon I left with my parents to my home.

Khushi's POV

I didn't even feel like looking at annayya. He don't deserve vadina. 

We reached home. I went to my room excusing that I was feeling dozy. I stepped into my room and changed to pajamas. That incident was constantly flashing in my mind.

Dhruv entered my room breaking the chain of my thoughts.

"What happened bubblee? Why are you looking dull? I know you weren't feeling dozy. What happened all of a sudden that changed your mood?" he asked.

I narrated him everything.

"So'' he uttered.

I was taken aback by his reply. He didn't feel anything wrong with annayya's affair.

"How can annayya do this to vadina? He is clearly cheating on her. And don't you find anything wrong in it?" I said.

"When annayya don't even consider marriage with Aadya as a marriage why will this be cheating?" Dhruv uttered.

"I can't believe it Dhruv. You're supporting his cheating. And what are you talking about?? Not considering it as a marriage. What do you mean? And why are you adressing vadina with her name?? " I shooted questions.

"Well.. Priya and annayya loved each other from their graduation. Annayya clearly stated in a letter that he can't marry Aadya. But Aadya ignoring annayya's feelings married him. In fact Aadya was in relationship with her colleague but she betrayed her boyfriend and married annayya" he said in short.

I was about to speak but he cut and said "And I don't call Aadya as vadina because I never felt her as my sister-in-law. I don't consider her as annayya's wife".

"No Dhruv. I don't believe this. Vadina won't do anything like that. I think there is some miscommunication." I said.

"Haha.. why will you believe your brother?? Your vadina is right and your brothers are wrong..right..." he said. He wanted to speak something else but his phone began to ring. He left my room to attend the call.

I switched off the light and dozed off to sleep.
To be continued..
Don't know how Khushi will handle the situations.

Comment and let me know your opinions on this chapter.

Will update the next chapter soon.


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