Twenty Nine

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It was exactly who he feared it would be.


"San." Seonghwa clenched his jaw and fists.

"What are you doing here? Let me in."

"Excuse me? What are you doing here? Haven't you done enough damage?"

"This is my house!"

"Not anymore! If Wooyoung sees you here he'll be so upset."

"Seonghwa, stay out of this."

"I'm your hyung."

"I don't respect you enough to call you that, now move away."

"Or what you'll beat me? Sure you're used to that. Wooyoung told me everything about you." He shook his head. "I would have never believed you'd be such a bad person, San..."

San took a deep breath while looking around him, visibly annoyed. "I need to see Wooyoung, now."

"He doesn't want to see you, just leave."

"It's none of your fucking business, let me in!"

"It is my business! I care about my best friend!"

"Seonghwa...I'm telling you one last time, stay out of this."

"Hyung, what's going on? Who is it?" A soft voice called from inside the house, making San's heart flutter like it was the first time hearing it.

"Nothing! I'll be right back!" Seonghwa pushed San away from the door. "Go away."

San's eyes widened. "No! Wooyoung! I need to talk to you!" He called loudly while struggling with Seonghwa, hoping the younger heard him.

"Just stop this San! If you love him then leave!"

"San...?" Wooyoung ran out to the door barefoot as if he was in a hurry.

As if he was desperate.

Seonghwa sighed. "I've tried to make him leave, but he wouldn't listen."

"Wooyoung, I need to talk to you, please, it's urgent." San fought back his tears as he looked at his ex looking exhausted.

It seemed like neither of them have been sleeping or eating well.

Wooyoung took slow careful steps towards the door, looking up at Seonghwa. "Thank you...I'll deal with him."

"No, Woo, please, this isn't about us, there's something you must know!" San pleaded, hoping he wouldn't get kicked out again.

Wooyoung knew San was being honest.

He might have lied a lot to him before, but now, for sure, he was able to tell that San was honest and desperate for someone to hear him.

"Come in..." Wooyoung stepped aside to make room for him to go inside.

"Wooyoung! Have you gone crazy? You're letting a criminal come into your house?!" Seonghwa objected, but was ignored.

"I need to talk to you..." San glanced up at the oldest then back at Wooyoung. "Alone."

"I'm not leaving you alone with him, in your dreams."

"You're not more concerned about his safety than I am." San glared at him. "I would never hurt him, and he knows that."

"Then what do you call all that you've done to him?!"

"Hyung please..." Wooyoung quietly stopped them. "San, we can talk in the bedroom."

San nodded, knowing that room can be closed and private.

They walked into the room, leaving a stunned and frustrated Seonghwa out.

"What is it? Please hurry and speak then leave."

San nodded, taking one last glance at the door. "Seonghwa is not a good person, he's not what you think he's like."

Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "Oh my god, please leave."

"No no! Listen to me-"

"San, you never liked him, you can't come now and tell me he's a bad person and expect me to believe you."

"No! I swear I'm telling the truth, Wooyoung, he set us up!"


"Seonghwa is the one who made the kidnapping mistake happen, it was all because of him!"

"Oh please..." Wooyoung scoffed. "How is that?" He crossed his arms over his chest, not believing a single word being said to him.

Not yet.

"Yunho had been trying to contact me for a while, but I had my phone turned off. When I called him back, he asked me about him."

"About who...?"

"Seonghwa...he said when they walked out of our house, he was standing he was watching our door."

"That doesn't mean anything-"

"You know why they recognized him? They saw him the night they kidnapped you, he was also standing and watching when it was a secluded area."

Wooyoung's face fell. "B-Because he dropped me off there...of course they would see him..."

"But why didn't he try to help or call the police? And why would he even drop you off in such a place?!"

"He said...he said it was queit and good for clearing my mind..."

"And isn't it strange he never called or visited at all when you were missing? Isn't it strange he only showed up when you came home?"

The younger stayed quiet, unable to argue or defend his friend anymore.

San ran his hand through his hair. "You believe me now?"

Wooyoung's eyes filled with tears as he looked up at San. "Why would he do that? And how did he even know what was going to happen?"

"I don't know, but what I know is I can't leave you alone with him"

Wooyoung felt like he indeed needed San's protection.

And although he wanted to hate him, he couldn't help but feel the comfort and safety of his presence.

"O-Okay...I don't want to be alone with him either..."

At least he knew San wouldn't hurt him, but he didn't know if Seonghwa would.

"I'm worried if you kick him out...he'd come back later. We don't know who he really is or who he's working for."

"I don't want to kick him out..." Wooyoung's voice wavered.

"What are you going to do then?"

"Face him."

A/N: Never trust anyone.

Especially me

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