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Yeosang turned around and gasped when he felt Mingi grab his throat and push him against the wall, before pulling the cigarette from between his fingers.

"Talk to Yunho like that one more time and this cigarette will be put out in your mouth." Mingi muttered, throwing the cigarette away. "Am I fucking clear?"

Yeosang just scoffed. "You know what I said is the truth- ugh." He groaned when Mingi's grip tightened around his neck.

"Am I fucking clear?!"

He felt Yeosang scratching at his hand to try to loosen his grip, but he didn't let go until he received a helpless rush nod.


Yeosang was left coughing and trying to get air back into his lungs. "You're fucking crazy..."

But Mingi couldn't care less.

No one dares talk about Yunho like that.

Not as long as he's alive.

"Well well well...the Pirates are going to kill each other? that makes things so much easier for us."

A certain mocking voice caught both boys' attention.

After a quick glance, they immediately ran inside just before the Demons began shooting intensely.

"Attack! Attack!" Mingi and Yeosang screamed out as they ran down to the basement.

"Saw it coming." San jumped up, grabbing his gun. "Everyone onr get up! Move!"

Everyone quickly began moving, gathering their weapons and gadgets before running back out to fight back their worst enemies.

"I got Hongjoong, You get the rest, they have more members than us so it's important to be quick and precise!" San ran out in front of everyone else, aiming his bullets at their leader who was watching with a smirk.

Kim Hongjoong

Kim Hongjoong

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"Choi's gonna feel great to kill you." Hongjoong tilted his head to the side a little, shooting at him.

"Shit..." San cursed under his breath as a bullet grazed his arm. "Don't stop shooting! Whatever happens, you all have to survive!"

Jongho ran up behind San, panting. "Boss...I don't think we have enough ammo."

"What?! Where did it go?!"

"I think one of them snuck inside and stole it."

"Inside?!" San's eyes widened, leaving his spot and running into the building, straight to his room.

He found Wooyoung squirming, screaming and crying for help as the gunshot got louder.

"Get up, hide!" San yelled as he untied the other and grabbed his arm, dragging him into a secret small space behind the cupboard. "Don't move, you hear me? Whatever happens...don't move from here."

"Wait! What's going on?"

San tried to hold back his tears and pull himself together, fearing that the end is near, they were incompatible with their attackers. "Don't worry...I'll protect you...whatever it takes.. I will."

"What..." Wooyoung quickly removed the blindfold to see who's he speaking to, but he was already gone, closing the door.

Looking down at his arm, he saw blood where the other touched him.

"What the..."


San ran back out and found his men still fighting with everything they've got, some even with bats or just their bare hands.

He took a deep breath, he was probably the one with the most bullets in his gun right now.

And his aim was the leader.

If their leader dies, they'll back off.

"Choi San! Come out you coward! Why'd you run away?!" Hongjoong laughed, stepping closer to the building.

San was hiding behind a wall, waiting for the right moment to shoot.

He took another look at his men.

They were getting tired.

Yunho fell to his knees onto the snow covered ground, he was unable to fight anymore.

He saw one of Hongjoong's men aiming his gun at him...



San tried to alert him, gasping and looking away when he heard gunshot.

"Fuck!" He quickly ran out and was faced with hongjoong.


"Peak a boo~" Hongjoong grinned.

San gritted his teeth, pulling the trigger before the other could do anything.

He watched him fall to the ground, the grin not leaving his face even as he bled out, shakily lifting his gun to shoot back "Not so fucking easy..."


A/N: it's awful that I stopped here I know

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