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Elaine Novak's first memory was many centuries ago of the blonde waking in an old tattered dress and the sun beaming down on her. The woman knew she had lived before that, she had tried to recall a time on many accounts, but all she could make out was blurry faces and old feelings.

The woman had first found out she was immortal when she met Lia, her first friend. Lia was older than her, yet Elaine had outlived the woman. After that, every few years, Elaine Novak would move, traveling with the wind wherever the road took her.

One evening, the woman was simply walking when she saw a sign. 'Welcome to Mystic Falls'. The blonde smiled and bought a place. The blonde decided the wind had guided her here for a reason because she met people like her.

Immortal, except they had abilities. With her new friendships with Caroline, Elena, Bonnie, and her meeting Stefan and Damon, the woman had felt like soon she was finally gonna get her answers.


No matter how long ago it was, the nightmares still plagued the woman's mind. In the end, she was always in the grip of Damon Salvatore. The thought of his breath on her shoulder, of his eyes as she followed his every command as if the blonde was a zombie. It made her curl with anger.

"You're still having nightmares," Caroline questions. Elaine had been very grateful Care had let her sleep over. It could get lonely living alone.

"I'm fine," the human says, sitting up in bed. The girls must have fallen asleep after binging old 2000s movies and baking a bunch of sweets while catching up. Out of all the people Elaine met in mystic falls, Care was her favorite. The woman and her became fast friends.

"You can talk about them if you want, '' Care whispers softly. Despite living on this earth for centuries, Elaine wasn't supernatural, at least she could get compelled like she was a human.

"No, I'm okay," she says, catching her breath. About a month ago, Elaine had gone to Bonnie telling her how she believes she was compelled as the woman's been having holes in her memory.

Bonnie had kindly offered to find a spell to take the compulsion away. Once she found one, she was hesitant as it would most definitely hurt, which Elaine can vouch really did but she had to know.

The blonde knew she dated Damon the beginning of junior year when she first arrived at Mystic Falls. Elaine also knew she had been hazy on the details, but she remembered a clean breakup. That was until Bonnie did her spell, and the blonde had realized the truth.

Damon Salvatore had compelled her as a blood bag and made the woman do things far out of her control. The thought made Elaine wanna scream. Instead, she took a breath and smiled at Care. The blonde had only ever told Elena what had happened, and that was because she had seen Elaine crying in the bathroom at school. Eliane wouldn't burden anyone else with her problems.

"Come on, we have class," the human tells her, walking over to her closet.

"Alright," Caroline sighs. "Just don't wear my favorite sweater," she tells her.

"Of course not," Elaine smiles sweetly.


Bonnie laughed softly at her friend. The witch had always seemed to smile in the presence of Elaine, it was something almost impossible not to do near the kind blonde.

"I'm serious, Bonnie." The blonde smiles mischievously.

"Okay, fine, you can break into Cares house-" Elaine stops Bonnie before she can finish her sentence.

✔️INTERTWINED HEARTS; Niklaus Mikaelson (1)Where stories live. Discover now