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The evening finds Logan and Karen at a cozy bar not far from their office, a place slightly more upscale than Josie's, with dimmed lights and soft jazz playing in the background. Logan had made an effort to dress up a bit, though her attire still leaned toward the casual side. She couldn't help but feel a hint of nervousness; after all, it had been a while since she'd gone out like this.

They're seated at a corner table, the warm glow of a candle casting flickering shadows on their faces. Logan orders a couple of appetizers to share, and they each order a drink, though Logan opts for something a bit stronger than Karen.

As they dig into their food, Karen starts the conversation, her smile warm and genuine.

"You know, I have to admit, when we first met, I didn't expect this."

Logan raises an eyebrow, her gruff exterior still present but slightly softened, "Expect what?"

Karen gestures between the two of them, "This. Us going out for drinks, having a conversation like normal people. You have a reputation, you know."

Logan can't help but chuckle, a rare sound from her, "Yeah, I've heard. People tend to think I'm some kind of loner."

Karen leans in, lowering her voice playfully, "So, is it true? Are you a loner?"

Logan shrugs, taking a sip of her drink, "I guess you could say that. I've never been one for small talk and socializing. But you're not like most people."

Karen's smile widens at the compliment, "Well, thank you. I take that as a compliment. I like to think I'm not like most people."

Their conversation flows effortlessly, covering a range of topics from work to personal interests. Logan finds herself opening up more than she expected, sharing stories about her past, her tough exterior occasionally giving way to moments of vulnerability.

Karen is an excellent listener, her empathy shining through as she listens to Logan's anecdotes with genuine interest. She's a journalist, after all, and her curiosity extends beyond her work.

As the night goes on and the drinks keep flowing, Logan makes a conscious effort to put away her gruff attitude. She finds herself genuinely enjoying Karen's company, appreciating the kindness and warmth that radiates from her.

It's a subtle but significant transformation for Logan, one that marks the beginning of a blossoming friendship—one that neither of them saw coming but is quickly becoming something meaningful and special.

As the night progresses at the dimly lit bar, Logan and Karen continue to delve into conversation, their connection growing stronger with each passing moment. The clinking of glasses and the soft jazz in the background provide a soothing backdrop to their words.

Karen leans in, her curiosity piqued, "So, Logan, tell me more about yourself. You fix sinks, you've got a mean exterior, but there's gotta be more to you than that."

Logan hesitates for a moment, not used to sharing so much about herself. But something about Karen's genuine interest makes her want to open up.

"Well," She begins, her voice tinged with vulnerability, "I grew up in Hell's Kitchen, just a few blocks from here. My parents, they wanted a proper, well-behaved daughter. You know, someone who'd fit into society's mold of what a girl should be."

Karen listens intently, her eyes locked onto Logan's, "But that wasn't you?"

Logan shakes her head, a wistful smile playing at the corners of her lips. "No, it definitely wasn't. I rebelled as soon as I could. The day I turned 18, I cut my hair short, got a tattoo, and decided to be my own person."

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