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The buzzing neon sign outside the Nelson and Murdock office flickers intermittently, casting an erratic glow through the small law firm's windows. Inside, Foggy Nelson sits at his cluttered desk, scribbling notes on a legal pad, while Karen Page flips through a stack of case files. Matt Murdock is conspicuously absent, leaving a noticeable void in the dimly lit office.

Foggy's phone buzzes with a text message notification, and he picks it up to read Logan's message:

[ Fine, I'll come fix your damn wiring. But only because you begged. ]

With a triumphant grin, he shows the message to Karen," She's coming! Logan's coming to save us from electrical chaos!"

Karen smiles, grateful for any relief from the mundane office tasks. Logan arrives not long after, tools in hand, her gruff demeanor unchanged. She's dressed in her usual attire, jeans and a black t-shirt, with a pair of work gloves tucked into her back pocket.

Foggy jumps up from his desk to greet her, practically bouncing with excitement, "Fix-it!"

Karen also rises from her seat, offering a warm smile, "Thank you for coming, Logan. We really appreciate it."

Logan grunts in response, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips, "Don't mention it. Let's just get this over with."

As she sets to work on the faulty wiring, Foggy and Karen watch in fascination as she deftly handles the task. Logan's hands move with precision and confidence, a stark contrast to her gruff exterior.

Foggy can't help but strike up a conversation, "So, what's new in your world? Anything interesting happening?"

Logan doesn't look up from her work, her voice nonchalant, "Not much, just the usual. Fixing sinks, wiring, and dealing with the usual headaches of Hell's Kitchen."

Karen leans in, intrigued," You've mentioned having a lot of skills before. How did you learn all this stuff?"

Logan continues to work, her focus on the task at hand, "I picked up a few things here and there. You know, necessity is the mother of invention."

Foggy can't contain his curiosity, "You seem to know a lot about, well, everything. Ever thought about a different career path?"

Logan chuckles, a hint of her gruff charm showing through, "Not really. I like what I do. Keeps me busy."

As she finishes the electrical work, the office lights flicker back to life, casting a warm, steady glow. Foggy claps his hands in delight, "Logan, you're a genius! You've saved us from the dark ages."

Karen nods in agreement, "Thank you so much. We couldn't have done it without you."

Logan shrugs off the praise, her tough exterior intact, "Don't mention it. Just make sure Matt doesn't destroy the wiring again."

Foggy chuckles, "We'll do our best. By the way, if you ever need any legal advice or help with anything, you know you can count on us, right?"

Logan hesitates for a moment, her gruff demeanor softening just a fraction, "Yeah, I know. Thanks, Foggy."

With a nod of gratitude, she exits the office, leaving Foggy and Karen to marvel at the mysterious woman who seems to have a knack for fixing not only wiring but also the pieces of their seemingly ordinary lives.

With her toolbox in hand, Logan steps out of the Nelson and Murdock office, her mind still buzzing with the conversation she'd just had. As she navigates the bustling streets of Hell's Kitchen, she can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Helping her friends with their electrical issues had been a small, but meaningful, way for her to contribute to their lives.

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