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Years have passed since that initial meeting between Logan and Matt. They've become unlikely friends in the bustling heart of Hell's Kitchen. Logan's gruff exterior remains intact, but Matt has sensed glimpses of the warm, empathetic heart beneath it. They've shared countless moments, navigating life's challenges and victories together. In many ways, they've become each other's confidants, their bond unbreakable.

On this particular evening, Logan makes her way to Matt's apartment with a sense of familiarity that's grown over the years. She doesn't bother knocking; she knows he can hear her approach from a mile away and waits on the other side of the door with a smile.

"You really should consider a career as a ninja," He quips as she steps inside.

She smirks, her voice carrying a hint of amusement, "Well, it's not like you can see me coming."

"No, but I can smell your hand lotion," He counters with a chuckle.

As she heads to the kitchen, Logan rolls her eyes at his uncanny abilities.

"So, what's the problem this time, Murdock?"

Matt's voice turns slightly sheepish, "You guessed it, the damn sink."

Logan sighs dramatically, but there's a fondness in her tone, "One of these days, I'm going to fix it so well it'll never break again."

"That's what I like to hear," He replies, relief evident in his voice.

As she works, they engage in easy conversation, catching up on the latest happenings in Hell's Kitchen. Matt tells her about his work as a lawyer and his aspirations to make the city a better place. Logan listens, her gruff exterior softening in his presence.

With a final twist of her wrench, she announces, "There you go, all fixed."

Matt smiles gratefully, his fingers tracing the edge of his repaired sink.

"You're a lifesaver."

She shrugs, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips, "Just doing my job."

They fall into a comfortable silence, punctuated only by the sounds of Hell's Kitchen drifting in from the open window. Logan's mind, however, is anything but silent. Over the years, her feelings for Matt have evolved from friendship to something more complicated. She cares about him deeply, and there's a certain warmth that fills her heart whenever she's around him.

Matt senses her hesitance and reaches out, resting a hand on her forearm, "Logan, are you okay?"

She startles slightly, caught off guard by his perceptiveness, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking."

Matt tilts his head, as if trying to 'see' her expression despite his blindness, "You know you can always talk to me, right?"

Logan's gaze softens, and she takes a deep breath, "Yeah, I know."

It's moments like these that remind her of why she values Matt's friendship so much. He's always there for her, a source of support and understanding.

Matt's hand remains on Logan's forearm, a silent reassurance of his presence and willingness to listen. He's become adept at reading her in ways that transcend visual cues. He senses the unspoken weight in her voice and the vulnerability she rarely lets others see.

Logan takes a step closer to Matt, her voice low and sincere, "You've been a good friend to me. You've stuck by me through some tough times... even when I didn't deserve it."

Matt's smile is warm, though she can't see it.

"Friends do that for each other."

She nods, her gaze drifting to the window as the distant sounds of the city continue their symphony, "Yeah, but you've done more than that. You've been like family."

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