Chapter 7

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Cecilia woke up feeling tired and hungry while her cousin's voice yelled at her to get up.

Cecilia  internally groaned while standing up before combing her messy hair back  into its original straight form. She then dressed in her white buttoned  shirt and shorts before her cousin could scold her furthermore.

"Ceci,  we have to make all the deliveries before going with the Aragosta  sisters," Giulia suddenly exclaimed shoving a piece of toast in  Cecilia's mouth. Cecilia slowly chewed on her toast, she had completely  forgotten they had that arrangement but now the idea seemed very fun.

"C'mon!" Giulia exclaimed pulling her outside before she could even finish her breakfast.

Cecilia  frowned for not being able to say goodbye to her uncle or Alberto...she  had to thank him for last night after all. He had listened to her cry  and even comforted her throughout her entire breakdown.

Cecilia only sighed before helping Giulia put all the fish packages in the cart before riding into town once more.

The  streets were not that crowded surprisingly even though people went  about their day. The smell of the ocean filled Cecilia's senses once  more as they gave out more deliveries than they had yesterday. Not only  did they go to Guido's home again, but they also went to other places  while Giulia introduced her cousin to every customer.

Cecilia  only smiled along the way as sweat began to form on both teens'  foreheads but she didn't mind, being with Giulia and having small  conversations as they made deliveries was more than enough to make her  day already.

Their waves of laughter were sometimes so loud, Cecilia could make out that all of Portorrosso could hear them.

Once  they were done with their deliveries, both girls made their way to  Alberto who was on lifeguard duty. Cecilia felt her heart warm up at the  idea of seeing her new friend again, they still had around thirty  minutes before meeting with the Aragosta sisters after all.

Alberto smiled upon seeing his sister and friend who was with his lunch bag.

Cecilia only waved at him with a warm smile that made his heart flutter a bit.

"Thanks, guys," he said taking his lunch bag which contained leftovers from last night's meal.

"No problem big bro," Giulia said with a smile.

"Oh, you okay Cecilia, the ocean?" he whispered the last part.

"Yeah I'm fine as long as I'm not in it," she reassured him.

"Oh, we gotta go, or else we'll be late!" Giulia remarked.

"Late for what?" Alberto asked.

"We are meeting with the Aragosta sisters," Cecilia explained.

"What are you guys meeting them for?" he asked again.

Both girls blushed a bit with embarrassment making Alberto suspicious of their own whereabouts.

"Some stuff," Giulia explained vaguely making Alberto cock his brow.

"Stuff?" he asked more suspiciously.

"Yeah! You know we are asking them for a favor that's all," Cecilia explained.

Alberto wasn't satisfied with their answer but only shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay but be safe, the two of you," he said sternly.

"Yeah, whatever see ya!" Giulia said speeding off.

"See you later Alberto!" Cecilia called out while her hair blew with the ocean's breeze.

Alberto only looked at her with a smile crawling onto his lips again.

(REPUBLISHED & COMPLETED)Finding Each Other: A Luca FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now