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"mr.kim, please smile for the camera, we don't have much time." the cameraman said, having a bored look on his face. this was the 7th photo he took of gyuvin and its starting to irritate him.

gyuvin looked up, "sorry sir." he quickly fixed his posture and smiled for the camera.


dating jeonghyeon was fucking hard. he wanted to keep a sweet cute relationship with him but also, the popularity to their relationship ruins it.

its alright though, as long as gyuvin loves jeonghyeon and jeonghyeon loves gyuvin then its alright.

cause thats what lovers do, right?

stick together till the end?



hyunjin, i was thinking if we could meet up for a talk at XXXX cafe? if not, that's totally fine we could just find another day.

hey ricks! sure, i am free today maybe after school? we can walk there together :)

its settled then, thank you. i have a lot in my mind right now.

ofc, you can always count on me dude! i'm just a call away.

hyunjin and ricky have been getting close lately, they spend lunchtimes together, breaks together, free periods together and after school, they always go to eachothers house or something to hang.

the chinese boy decided that he had to ask someone for advice somewhat. so what couldve been better than hyunjin? hyunjin was a trustworthy friend and ricky felt the most comfortable around him. (hanbin too but hyunjin tops everyone.)

also, they have been going to art studios to do some paintings and stuff, pretty fun if you ask me. the two boys just sit there in silence whilst being very concentrated in their paintings.

you might think their friendship is just two quiet people getting to know eachother but really, its not. they tell eachother everything. from whats happening with their families and even what has been happening with gyuvin.

but one thing ricky hasn't told hyunjin was about what he had done witn gyuvin. he didnt tell him about the makeout session.

pretty shitty behaviour if you ask ricky, hyunjin told him all his secrets so why cant he tell him that one secret? bros before hoes, right?

its 3:15pm. 25 more minutes until school ends. ricky chewed on his bottom lip, gosh. this is stupid. hyunjin would understand. he always does.

"be prepared for a test next thursday, i am having high expectations for all of you. the test is about 15% of your overall grade so do not have me catch you slacking." their teacher, ms. lee said.

goodness, another test? ricky has had 3 tests this week and now he has to revise for another one that is , not to mention, 15% of his grade. gosh. it was his first month of coming to this school and already he feels like he wants to die.

"alright, i think thats it. you guys can pack up now. have a good day!"

the bell rang and everyone started packing their stuff away quickly. ricky doing the same and almost speeding out of the classroom when he was done.

calling hyunjin ...

"hey dude! i'm just walking to the cafe right now, how bout you?"

"im walking there as well, see you."

i miss you. | gyurickyWhere stories live. Discover now