chapter 2

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Starting from the perspective of pai and sky to clarify their relationship.

Enjoy reading

Third person pov

Pai was resting his head on sky's chest ,while sky was carding his fingers through his hair .

Both were in deep thoughts.

Sky could feel wetness on his chest . He knew pai was crying. 

It's not the first time. After that day at the race they actually fell into a friends with benefits relationship. 

But to tell the truth there was no benefits . They both were reluctant to have physical relationship.

But they fell into this domestic phase of cuddling. Pai could be himself around sky .He even kind of started feeling for sky but he knew it was because of the care he was getting from sky.

But it's wasn't sky's care he wanted .

And he knew sky didn't want his care. Even though he don't know who , he knew sky was in a similar situation as him .

Pai had stopped sleeping around a long time ago. To tell the truth pai never had sex with anyone else other that payu.

Yes , everytime he chickened out but somehow because he flirted a lot people stared calling him a playboy.He payed everyone who came to have sex with him and the words spread.

Nobody except saifah knew this. Now sky knows too this  .

Sky was looking at pai, at first he thought he was a playboy but now he knew he was a broken person.

Sky has seen pai's scars.He knew those scars as he too have those due to his ex boyfriend.

At some point sky even felt something for pai, but he knew it was a spur of the moment.He was getting care from pai .
But the person he loves care for him..a looot ..but he isn't his.

Pai looked at sky . Pai always wanted to ask this question but didn't want to hurt sky .
But today he will.

" sky , you know I consider you as one of my closest person right." Pai asked .

Sky hummed at that.

"I know it's your personal thing but still I…I cannot believe it after I met you. Before I knew you it was believable but after I get to know you it's so difficult especially since we never had sex " pai rambled making sky confused.

Yeah they didn't have sex , they started making out to forget the people they love but eventually remembered their faces .

(Poor rain, only if he knew)

"P'pai , I don't understand" sky said getting up and sitting making pai too sit up .

Pai was a nervous wreck and didn't want to hurt sky .

" Forget it " he said and got up to go to the kitchen to plate the food he brought earlier.

" p'pai , you know you can tell me anything." Sky said following.

Pai took a deep breath. He hugged sky hiding himself on sky's neck. Sky could feel his heartbeating as if he just ran a marathon.

"Why this profession sky ." Pai mumbled .

Sky was confused.

" P'pai , this was my dream since high school and also it's good money " sky said winking .

Pai looked at him wide eyed .

"Sky,if you had any financial problems I will take care of it. But this profession. What if ….what if you met a creep or a psychopath." Pai rambled .

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