🧡 𝓇ℴ𝓁𝓁𝒶𝓇 𝓈𝓀𝒶𝓉ℯ𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓀𝒶𝓉ℯ 𝒷ℴ𝒶𝓇𝒹𝓈 🧡

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You, pj, max, and Bobby worked on your skating, skateboarding and biking. Max skateboarded, pj biked, and you and bobby skated. Him in rollar blades, and you in rollar skates.

Bobby taught you how to skate long ago. You thought that rollar skating was a lot cooler then a scooter, so you chose rollar skates.

Goofy and Pete stood over to the side. Pete was making hamburgers and hotdogs, while goody was putting up a sign that said, "good luck at collage!"

Goody was having a hard time with putting up the sign though, especially with the tape. The sign kept falling down the tape wouldn't stick. He finally managed to get the sign to stick, but at a cost of the tape wrapping around Pete's leg and pulling him out from underneath himself. Goofy also fell down and wrapped himself in tape. And soon, the sign fell on his head.


"Do you realize going off to college means no more... well-meaning but totally smothering, overprotective, doting, ah-yucking dads?" Your older brother max announced.

"Oh max. Don't talk about him like that. Even if he can be a little smothering at times, he only does it because of how much he loves you." He teased max, making him swat at your face to make you go away. "Shut up (y/n)." He smacked your arm.

"Yeah, well, yours at least." Pj said. "My dad's been counting down the days until he can turn my bedroom into a bowling alley." Pj rolled his eyes. Pretty much knowing this day would come.

"Hey, we have a surefire way to shoot straight to the top of the freshman heap!" Max yelled to cheer up Pj.

"The College "X" Games!" You all exclaimed.

" First freshman team to win it all!" Pj yelled excitedly.

"Only the best can do it!" You said to Pj.

"First team to boot those number one Gammas on their boot-tays!" Bobby yelled as she shook his butt around at everyone. You laughed at what a goof he is. He smiled at you, because it was always the easiest to make you laugh.

You stared at the orange haired by for a while. He was wild, but you always found him perfect. He never failed to impress you. He was talented, friendly, and funny. Just perfect for you.

"Huh! The Gammas may be five-time winners, but I hope they're ready for a losing streak!" Max exclaimed.

"Let's beat the Gammas! Let's do it to it!" You all high-fived and danced in happiness.


"Gawrsh, Pete, one day you're changin' their diapers, and the next thing you know... they're all grown up and leavin' for college." Goofy sighed sadly and look at his two kids.

"Seems like just yesterday (y/n) was dressing up her dolls and asking me to braid her hair." Goofy said with a sinking heart.

"Well, Goof, the way I see it, it's my last night of baby-sitting, and I'm a free man!" Pete pretty much yelled, gaining everyone's attention.

"Oh, yeah! Ha-ha! Free, free, free, I tell you!" He exclaimed, dancing.

"Yah-hoo! Ha-ha! Come on, son. I can't miss you if you won't leave!" Pete yelled to Pj.

Pj looked at his dad with a upset look. But his dad continued laughing. You put your hand on Pete's shoulder. "Don't worry about what he says." You told Pj. "Thanks (y/n)." He smiled you.

"Hey, why don't you get the kids? Food's almost ready." Pete said and goody agreed and asked over to you guys.


Nice rasta! Pasta! Maxman!" Bobby exclaimed as he put his hands on his back and watched max.

"Ooh, Maxie's pretty good at that boardin' stuff." Goofy said.

"Oh he's real good dad! You should see him at skate parks!" You told your dad happily.

"He is totally gonna kill at college." Bobby nudged you and smiled. You smiled back.

"Yeah! Yes!" The three boys crowded him and have him high fives.

"You know max, if you would teach me how to skate, then I bet I could be better then you!" You teased your brother. "Yeah right (y/n). In your dreams." Max replied.

"Listen, son, that there "X" Games fiddle-faddle... may be all well and fun, but remember, you're going off to college to make something of yourselves." Goofy told max.

" Exactly." Max agreed with his dad.

"And (y/n). I don't want you to get your head all tangled up in boys and not making anything of yourself." Your dad told you. You were very embarrassed.

"Yeah right. Like she could even get a guy." Max joked and nudged Pj, making him laugh to.

"Oh come on max, you and Roxanne literally got nowhere. I don't wanna hear it from you." You yelled at max. He giggled.

Goofy glared at max and then pulled him beside you.

"You'll get a degree, and the world will be your clam." He said innocently.

"Uh, oyster, Dad?" You and max said at the same time.

"No, thanks. I'm saving room for weenies." Your dad said and pushed all you guys over to the horseshoe game.

"Now, let me show you exactly what I mean." He said as he picked up a hoarse shoe.

"Oh, no, not the old horseshoe lecture." Pj huffed.

You all sat down and watched him for the 500th time.

"You see, tossin' horseshoes is a lot like how life works." Goofy said as he spin the horseshoe around his finger. But to his dismay, it flew off his finger and into the mashed potato's that Pete was holding.

"Sorry, Pete." Goody said. Pete just stared at him.

Bobby nudged you, "I think the old man looks better like that." He whispered in your ear. You giggled. "I agree."

"Uh, like I was sayin'...It's about staying focused on your goals." Goofy started.

"Right. You see, ever once in a while... life gives you an important tossin' opportunity." He said. "Like, uh, well... college, for instance!" He exclaimed.

"If you want that dee-ploma, you gotta fix both eyes on it like it was this here horseshoe stake. And with the proper "consecration"... and follow-through," your dad stood there finding the perfect place to toss the horse shoe.

"Throw it, will ya!" Pete screamed and goofy threw the horseshoe.

" You should hear the clang of a ringer!" He exclaimed.

The horse shoe flew all over the place. It hit a tree and a birds nest. And then hit the roof and eventually made its way back to where it began.

While this was happening. Max had the bright idea to leave. You was gonna stay put, until Bobby and Pj grabbed your wrists and pulled you with them.

"Yah-hoo-hoo-hoo! A ringer!" Goody yelled in delight.

"See, Kids? You've just gotta stay focused." He turned around to see no one was there.

"Hey, Goof, it's gettin' cold already." Pete yelled to goofy.

"Save a weenie for me!" Goofy yelled.

"Which type?" Bobby said while laughing at his own joke. You rolled your eyes at him while the other boys laughed.

"Hey, Peej, isn't ten hot dogs enough? Pass 'em over here." Max yelled at Pj and stole the hotdog plate.

You then all ate til around 7 and soon everyone went home.


🧡 ℬℴ𝒷𝒷𝓎 𝓏𝒾𝓂ℯ𝓇𝓊𝓈𝓀𝒾 𝒳 ℛℯ𝒶𝒹ℯ𝓇 🧡 Where stories live. Discover now