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present day

"He's real," I kept repeating to myself, my voice filled with desperation.

They wouldn't let me leave this mental hospital unless I denied his existence,

but I knew deep down that he was real. A vampire, a demon, a Shadow - he existed in the depths of my reality. No one believed me, dismissing my claims as delusions.

But he would show up, right here in this asylum, and he would have his way with me.

The evidence of his presence was left on my body, in the form of a hickey, a mark of our connection.

I didn't want to be here, trapped in this place, but I couldn't bring myself to deny the existence of the love of my life.

He was as real as the beating of my heart, the burning warmth of my skin. And that hickey, it served as undeniable proof of our connection.

I wasn't insane; they were insane for not believing me, even when the evidence was right there, etched onto my skin.

The drugs the nurses had given me finally kicked in, and I found myself lying on the pillow, drifting into a restless sleep.

But just as I began to surrender to the drowsiness, his voice pierced through the darkness.

"Are you asleep yet?" he whispered, his words slithering from the shadows creeping closer towards me.

I sat up with a smile, knowing all too well that he would come every time the nurses administered my medications.

"No, I knew you'd come. You always do when they give me my meds," I smiled, a mix of excitement and fear dancing in my eyes.

He nodded, his hand caressing my cheek as he leaned in for a kiss. I could feel his weight on top of me, his presence consuming me.

And soon, we became one.

Moans escaped my lips as pleasure and pain intertwined, but amidst the ecstasy, doubts lingered.

I couldn't help but ask him the same question for the second time

"Is this real?" I whispered, my voice trembling.

"What you should be asking is if I'm real," he whispered back, his breath tickling my ear.

It was a response he had never given me before. "Because the pleasure, the pain, the hunger you feel is real. But... me."

"Are you real?" I breathed, my heart pounding in my chest.

"You want to know?" he teased, his voice dripping with a sinister allure.

"I can feel your body against mine, the pleasure overwhelming me. But in the daytime... I can't feel you, I can't see you," I confessed, my voice filled with both longing and confusion.

"Ask me that question again, Julie," he urged, his voice a seductive whisper.

"Are you real?" I asked once more, my voice filled with anticipation.

"No," he replied, his voice chillingly calm.

"Then... how am I feeling like this?" I moaned, my desire intensifying.

"Open your eyes and find out," he whispered, his words laced with mystery. And so, I did.

I opened my eyes, only to find a male nurse hovering over me. Panic surged through my veins, and I screamed.

Mike raped me so, did many others

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