Chapter 4: The Drugs

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School ended, and as the weight of my daily torment lifted, a familiar shadow loomed over me.

The mere thought of facing another day at school brought forth a wave of suffering that threatened to drown me. But in this fleeting moment,

as I lay nestled in the comfort of my bed, I found solace. Here, I could momentarily escape the piercing laughter that plagued my existence.

Suddenly, a sharp knock interrupted the fragile peace I had found within myself.

Startled, I sat up, my heart pounding in my chest, and cautiously approached the door.

With a creak, it swung open, revealing Zach, who stood with an air of indifference.

"Take your damn drugs," he sneered, thrusting a small packet into my trembling hand. "But don't expect me to do that again." With those callous words, he turned his back on me and walked away, leaving me to grapple with the weight of his actions.

Closing the door behind me, I retreated to the sanctuary of my bed. With a trembling hand, I retrieved a tray and carefully emptied the bag's contents onto it.

A fine white powder lay before me, a substance I had never dared to touch before.

Inhaling deeply, I summoned the courage to do what I never thought I would.

I took a tentative sniff, emulating the scenes I had seen in movies, and was met with a violent fit of coughing.

My nose burned, my throat raw, but it didn't take long for the effects to take hold.

As I reclined back onto my bed, a wave of relief washed over me, and for that fleeting moment, I felt a semblance of peace.

The troubles of the world melted away.

I smile and giggle, my happiness radiating through the room.

With each passing hour, I can feel the weight of my worries lifting off my shoulders.

"I'm happy again, I'm happy again," I whisper to myself, the words becoming a comforting mantra.

Suddenly, a voice breaks the tranquility, piercing through the shadows.

I sit up, startled, as a figure emerges. It's a vampire-demon, its presence both mysterious and captivating. "And yet you don't seem so happy," it remarks, its words laced with curiosity.

The vampire-demon approaches, gracefully perching on the edge of my bed. Its piercing gaze locks onto mine.

"You shouldn't be doing stuff like this, Julie," the vampire-demon says, its tone filled with concern. It leans in closer, its presence both enchanting and unnerving. "I didn't think you were that type of girl."

A surge of defiance rushes through me as I respond, my voice tinged with a hint of rebellion.

"Things change when you are hungry for some type of release," I declare, my words carrying a sense of longing.

A mischievous grin spreads across the vampire-demon's face, its eyes glinting with anticipation. It moves closer, its head tilting towards my neck, teasingly close

"I can give you a release If you let me fuck you" He grins... In a moment of surreal intensity, I can actually feel its fangs grazing my skin, as if the encounter were unfolding before me in real life.

The allure of these drugs, this forbidden desire, becomes almost too perfect to resist.

"What do you say? Let me fuck your problems out of your mind" the vampire-demon whispers, its voice a seductive invitation, tempting me to surrender to its dark embrace.

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