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Bunch of angst in here. Yeah.

"Then why do you blame yourself?" I asked, looking into his brown eyes.

He looked at me, unable to answer, but even though I couldn't read him, you could tell that he was trying to think of an answer as to why.


I can't read him?!

I suddenly felt different.

Maybe my emotions are getting in the way, and I am tired, I oftentimes can't read people if I'm tired.

So I decided to brush it off and decided that if I couldn't read people later, then I would talk to someone about it.

He stood up and walked around a bit, still thinking.

"I don't know." He said, coming back over to me and leaning over a bit.

"Wesley, we had an argument, we were both entitled to the emotions that we both felt at the time. You were angry, and I was quite upset myself, knowing I wasn't the one who started it."

"Another reason why I felt bad, I shouldn't have said what I did, I'm sorry."

I smile, "Shut up, Wesley."

He gave me a light smile.

"Okay." he said, still kind of sad.

I raised my hand and put it on his cheek, caressing his cheek with my thumb.

"We'll work through this." I smiled sweetly.

"I don't deserve you." He thought.

Okay, I guess my emotions were in the way.

"Don't think that Wes, it's not healthy..." I said, ruffling up his hair.

He sighed.

He held my hand, "I'm sorry, but I really don't."

"Yes you do, you deserve someone who will always love you unconditionally, who isn't your mother." I smirked.

He smiled, looking at me with adoration.

"I love you, but I can't help but feel bad for what I said... but to be honest, that's what it feels like people want to say to me but they don't have the courage to." He said, and I saw the tear in his eye.

I gave his hand a little squeeze, as I sat up, swinging my legs over off the bed.

"I don't think you're supposed to be sitting up right now." He said putting his arms out, almost touching me.

I smiled, "What, are you going to force me to lay back down? My bones have all healed, haven't they? But I don't matter right now."

"What? You fell down a hole, you're the talk all over the ship." He said, motioning around.

I smiled at him again, "Wesley, you think that all of your hard work doesn't matter and it does, sometimes people don't see how hard you work, but I do. I see you, Wesley." I said, putting my hands on his face, basically making him make eye contact.

I pulled his face in and our foreheads touched, then I gave him a little peck on the lips.

I pulled my face away and I saw him smile.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Wesley."

I gave him a hug and he hugged me back tightly.

"Why are you sitting up?" I heard Doctor Crusher ask as she walked over with a tricorder.

I looked at her like a deer in headlights.

"You never said I couldn't sit up." I said as she grabbed the little scanner and scanned my body.

She looked at me, and realized that I was right.

I earned an exhausted smile from her, "Well, your body seems to be adjusting nicely to sitting up."

Wesley gave me a smile as he sat on the bed next to me.

I started swinging my legs.

"When do you think I'll be able to return to work?"

"Well, you were in a coma for two months, so I need to do extensive testing on you before I can confidently say that you are ready to work." She said, tapping on her tricorder.

"Wait, two months?"

She gave me a sad look, "I am so sorry that I didn't tell you, I guess I've been so busy today, but yes, you have been in a coma for two months." She said, and left.

I looked at Wesley, a sad look plastered on my face.

"That means I only have one month with you before you go to the Academy."

He wrapped his arm around me and smiled, "I have a gift for you, it's so you'll always have something to remember me by when I leave."

"What is it?" I asked.

"You'll have to meet me in Ten Forward if you want it."

I smiled, "Your mom may not let me leave so easy."

He pressed a kiss to my cheek, "I'll talk to her."

He got off the bed and started to leave.

"Bye, Wes."

"I'll see you later, at 18:00 hours."

I smiled, fiddling with my fingers.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time || Wesley Crusher x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now