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Will Riker's pov

*Time skippy*

*On the bridge*

"How long until we come in contact with the shuttle?" The Captain asked.

"28 minutes." Wesley said after looking at his panel.

"28 minutes, 47 seconds." Data corrected.

Deanna smiled as she stood up "Captain, may I wait in the Shuttle Bay?"

He nodded "Commander Riker can go with you."

I stood up "Thank you, Captain."

I started walking to the Turbolift when Wesley's panel beeped "Captain the shuttle disappeared."

Deanna and I both looked at him, and then at each other with a worried look.

"And now it's back." Wesley said.

"Wesley you better not be lying."

"He was not, Captain, the shuttle wasn't there for 3.34 seconds."

"Must be something with the sensors." I suggested.

"Hmm," He said before tapping his communicator "Commander La Forge."

"Yes, Captain?" He answered.

"I think the sensors are malfunctioning, it told us the shuttlecraft was gone."

"I'm working on the sensor array right now."

"Thank you, Commander La Forge."

"Commander Data, go work with him, find out what's wrong."

Data nodded at the Captain and then he got up and went to Engineering.

"Is she still in there?" I asked.

"Yes sir, sensors detect two life forms in the shuttlecraft, both humanoid." Wesley said.

"You may go now." The Captain said to us and Deanna and I walked into the Turbolift.

"Shuttle Bay." Deanna said.

I smiled and I asked "We can't wait so we're going to wait excitedly for y/n to dock on the Enterprise."

She smiled and giggled softly "I'm so excited to see her, I'm so proud of her, Starfleet Academy let her take as many courses she wanted to."

I smiled and I said "I know, you've said that a hundred times by now."

She giggled as the doors opened, I let her walk out first and I followed behind, quickly returning to her side.

"She is a smart cookie." I commented and she giggled again.

"She loves cookies, I bet she eats a chocolate cookie every day." She giggled happily.

"Why chocolate?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Chocolate is her favorite flavor." She smiled.

"Do you mean your favorite?" I joked.

"It's her favorite too, Will, I'm just saying since she likes cookies, and chocolate, she might want to eat them every single day." She explained.

We got to Shuttle Bay and we went inside and we talked until the Shuttle doors opened to take in the craft.

I'm not empathic or anything but I could practically feel Deannas' excitement to see her daughter again.

When the shuttle landed on the floor the doors on the shuttlecraft opened.

Y/n took one step out and looked at her mother and ran into her arms for a tight hug.

I smiled at them as Deanna pulled away a bit and said "You've definitely gotten taller."

Y/n giggled a tiny bit and then said "Did I? I never noticed."

She went back to the shuttlecraft and grabbed her things.

She looked at her mother, and then looked at me and said "Chocolate isn't my flavorite anymore."

I gave her a confused look, and then I remembered;

She can read minds.

Then I caught onto what she said so I asked "Flavorite?"

She laughed softly "That's how I shortened favorite flavor, I said it accidentally when I was 8, and then it sort of... stuck."

I smiled and then she walked closer to me and said "My mother told me that you said that if you had known about me, you would've tried to be a better father than yours were-"

Deanna made a confused look and cut her off "No, I didn't."

"Mom, I'm trying to say something, and it isn't fair if you were to cut me off when you told me not to, because it's rude."

Deanna smiled and nodded.

She sighed and then smiled "I just want to say that I know you are my father and I have known since I was 14, I know you feel bad because you weren't there then... but you can be here now. But the only thing I am hoping for is that you're not overprotective, which can cause a child psychological harm."

I smiled softly "I'm not surprised that you know that."

I hugged her "I would love to, y/n"

She giggled as I squeezed her into my chest.

She pulled away and said "I'd like to rest before I start working in Med Bay."

"You have a whole week of rest before you start working." Deanna said.

"And you never specified if you wanted to share with your mother, or if you wanted your own." I said.

She smiled and said "I'll share with my mother, thank you."

I chuckled and I said "Done."

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