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*A month later*

I sighed after sitting down on the chair, taking off my shoes and massaging my feet because I was standing all day.

Well, not all day but most of it.

I leaned back into the chair and I started to relax.

I looked down at my blue uniform, smiling at how all of my hard work paid off.

My mother walked in and smiled at me.

"Hello y/n, how was today?"

"I should be a counselor," I smirked as I massaged my feet, "You get to sit down all day."

She giggled as she sat down on the sofa.

"I could see you as a counselor, but with how you think, I don't know if you'll do any good."

I scoffed as if she broke my heart, although I knew she meant well.

"I mean, you wouldn't be able to handle the stress and emotions that other people will give you."

I smiled massaging my other foot "That's true, that would be too much stress on me."

"How's Wesley?" She asked, smiling.

I gave her a look.

"I don't know, I haven't talked to him much today, he came into Med Bay with a small burn on his palm and his mom thought it was a good way to teach me, first hand, how to heal it." I smiled.

"I did a good job on healing it." I smiled proudly.

She smiled as well "I'm glad you feel proud of yourself."

"Very proud, she believes in me, I know she does," I stopped for air, "she's always thinks so highly of me, as if I could do anything."

My mother smiled "So do I, and that's because you can if you put your mind to it."

She stood up and went to the replicator, "Yridian tea."

"Do you want something y/n?" She asked and I didn't feel hungry so I asked for a water.

She asked the replicator "And a water, 20 degrees Celsius."

The replicator made our drinks and she picked them up and walked over to me, setting the water on the table for me.

"Thank you." I said and sat back into the chair, relaxing.

I sighed and then my mom asked "How did Wesley burn his palm?"

"I think he said that he had the wrong setting on a certain tool he was using to fix something, I forgot."

"I can't stop thinking about the new Ensigns that got transferred to this ship the other day." I sighed softly.

"One of them asked me out." I smiled and my mom made a surprised look.

"What? What did you say?"

"I said "No, I'm not ready for a relationship right now."

"Now that I don't believe, you are definitely ready for a relationship." She smiled.

"Not with someone I barely know." I said.

She nodded understandingly and I reached for my glass of water, taking a drink.

"I understand that, but you are ready for a relationship with Wesley, aren't you?"

My face turned crimson red as I choked on my water, leaning forward to cough it out onto the floor.


My mom came and put her hand on my back as I had a coughing fit.

When I was done I looked at her, my eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"What? I noticed the way you look at him, and the way you feel."

"You're funny, no, not even him." I denied.

She smirked at me, as if she knew something I didn't.

"He's my friend mom! I don't think of him that way."

"Y/n, you're denying it to me, but you and I both know that's not true."

I sighed a bit "Mom, I do not feel that way about Wesley, I can't, he's my friend."

"It's normal to feel a certain way about someone, especially someone you can trust, like Wesley."

I sighed thinking, 'I don't want to hear this.'

"I don't think of him like that." I slumped in the chair.

"I don't believe you."

I sighed "Okay, maybe I do like him, but he's a great friend of mine and I don't want to ruin that bond between us."

She smiled proudly "Maybe you should explore those feelings with him."

"No!" I blurted and it must've taken her by surprise, because she made a shocked look at me.

"I'm sorry I yelled. I don't want to."

"Why do I feel like something worse happened at the Academy that you're not telling me about?"

"Nothing happened, I promise, my love life is boring."

She sighed out of her nose.

"What happened y/n?"

I stayed quiet, not wanted to say anything.

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