Another false promise

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Long time no update

Italics is flashbacks


It's been one year... One year since I got my heart ripped from my chest. One year since my entire soul was crushed and broken down into absolutely nothing. One year since the girl I loved and I thought, loved me back left and took remainders of my heart with her. But,that was a year ago, a lot can change in a year, right? Now My smile was genuine again, going out with friends, finding peace... Thoughts of her slowly faded away, only the good moments popping up once in a while. I was moving on!

Well...atleast that's what I thought...
But she showed up at my door again...a few nights ago

I heard the soft knocks on my door as I sat on my couch watching our favorite show...
The knocks were so soft, so gentle I couldn't recognize them...

They became louder...More recognizable...more aggressive...
No way..? No way she'd just show up...right? Not after the way things ended...

flashback of how we ended it

"You're being so fucking ridiculous right now, Y/n. i told you it was just a business trip, right?! do you not trust me?" the venom laced in minas voice made you flinch. "i do trust you, mina!. i just want the truth this time, that's all.!" tears welled up in your eyes at the thought of her questioning your trust in her. "i just needed a break from all this" mina gestures her hand around the room, almost pointing directly at you. "What?..all this? what are you saying? Mina..?" you hesitated as you realized the intention behind her words. mina scoffed harshly as she pressed her hand to her forehead, frustrated, pacing around the room. as you stood there watching her get increasingly frustrated, you couldn't help but dread hearing her answer. You wanted the truth, but you knew it would hurt so much more than...hearing her usual excuse...

the silence in the room was filled with your soft sniffling and tears that started falling without you even realizing it. Mina froze up and took a deep shaky breath, opening her mouth to say something, but not coming up with anything. your eyes were glued to the floor and your body felt weak. you couldn't even bare to look at her. "just tell me what really happened that night. please." your pleading was barely audible and your voice was small. "nothing happened, y/n... i promise..."

It wasn't the first time she had been on a "Business trip" and came back with a piece of evidence of her sins. it's the sixth time you've allowed her to walk all over you and force you to just accept it. "i saw it." but this time you were fed up with the lies. done with her blatantly ignoring your feelings. "what are you talking about?" mina asked as she started biting her lip , a nervous tic she has. "the lipstick mark on your shirt. and the pictures. i saw it." you started choking up and the tears started flowing again. there's a pause in the atmosphere and mina doesn't say anything. she goes to sit on the edge of your shared bed. thinking. thinking of another bullshit excuse to give you. "i'm sorry." was the only thing she could come up with this time...she couldn't choke up anything else just a pathetic 'I'm sorry'

Mina stood up and slowly walked over to you, your back turned and body frozen. she grabbed your hand and interlocked your fingers with hers. you hated it. you hated the way her hand fit perfectly in yours. hated the way her hands were the perfect amount of warmth and how soft they were. you were repulsed by her touch. and it hurt so fucking bad. you loved her so much, but you couldn't feel anything for her except disgust. you snatched your hand away from hers, making mina jump. you looked up at her for the first time in what felt like hours. you scanned her perfect features for any sense of guilt, or regret. nothing. only finding a small smile spread across her lips after finally making eye contact with you.

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