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Tim's Pov

Me and Lucy drop Tamara off at school before heading into the station. We see Chris walking towards us, he smiles towards me and I give him the most dirtest look I can without drawing too much attention to the situation. The smile drops from his face as he drops his head in shame and walks back towards his car, I grip Chen's hand a little tighter as we walk through the doors. 

I kiss her on the cheek before walking in the direction of my office, I pull out my phone to see a text from Ashley.

From: Ashley :(
To: Tim <3

From: Tim <3
To: Ashley :(
What Ashley. 

From: Ashley :( 
To: Tim <3
we should text more :)

From: Tim <3
To: Ashley :(
No thx, leave me alone.

*This person can no longer send you text messages or call*

I sigh with relief as I walk into my office, grab a few files which need to be handed in and head towards Sargent Grey's office. I see no one in his office so I place the files on his desk before heading to get changed. I smile at Lucy one last time before finally doing the final few things I need to do before I head to the roll call room.

"Good morning, night shifts have left far too many calls again tonight so on the desk in front of you I have given you all a list of every call you must get done before expect for Lopez, Nyla, Nohlan, Lucy, Jackson and Tim." Grey says, "I need to see you all, I have a different job for all of you." 

He dismisses everyone but calls over everyone over that is needed. "We have had a report that Rosaline has had contact with someone and they are planning something. Rosaline was found with a phone last night and then asked how she had it and why she said in case He calls." Grey says, the colour slightly draining from his face, "We need to find out who He is and what those two are planning." 

We all talk through a plan, trying to have everything go smoothly. My only focus is keeping Lucy away from the rabid dog in the cage. Lopez is the detective on the case and Harper working along side her.  "Grey, the phone she's been using, the number is connected to Chris Sanford and a few others so we have called in Chris' boss and he's on his way to talk to us" Nyla says, Lopez typing away. 

I sit with Lucy before I pull Lopez out of the room, "I'm going to take Luce out of the room, Chris was being really creepy to her just the other night." I say, an unsettled look sat on my face. 

"That's best for her then, I'll keep you informed," she says before walking back into the room.

Lopez's Pov 

After Chen and Bradford had left the room, I see Sean Del Monte walking towards the room. "Good morning" he says, a bright smile on his face. 

We all greet him, "If you don't mind me asking, why was I called here?" He asks.

"Your employee Chris has now been associated with Rosaline Dyer. We found a phone in her cell, we traced all of the numbers and found one belongs to Chris Standford." I say.

"We thought it best to tell you as it will have to go through your department but no one can know about this until we can pin someone to a crime. If there is nothing to pin, no point of taking it to you," Nyla says.

"I completely understand, I'm going to take a call to a few judge friends of mine and see if we can keep everyone found on her phone locked up till we can present something or nothing." We all nod....

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