UC case -Dim and Juicy

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Tims pov

"You know I love you Chen" I say to Lucy, I cuddle her. There is a knock on the door, setting Kojo off, when I open it I see Ashley stood there. "Ashley, what are you doing here?" I say.

"I wanted to talk, if that's alright?" She says, a look on her face.

"Sure but Lucy is here, it's for work" I say, opening the door further to let her in, I look at Lucy. A "ew" look sat on her face when Ashley looked away. A smile sat on my face at the way she's looking at Ashley.

"Tim, I found out a week ago that I'm pregnant and it could only be yours. I'm only three month along and I've only been with you so it can't be anyone else's" she says, my jaw hanging low.

"Ashley your saying three month but around three months ago, we didn't sleep together and we've been broken up around a month or two now so no way it's mine"

"What are you trying to say Tim?" She says, a shocked look on her face and I can see out of the corner of my eye, Luce trying not to laugh.

"What I'm saying Ashley is that baby can't be mine and even if it is there is no way I'd be able to take care of it, you moved away so" I say, a little bit of guilt building for 2 reasons.
Reason 1- what if the baby is mine, but can it?
Reason 2- Lucy (my current girlfriend) is listening to this.

"Well" Ashley says before walking out.

"Luce, no way that baby can be mine. I couldn't, knowing I liked you" I say, the guilt beginning to eat me up. No way, I never slept with anyone since my feelings for Lucy developed. It felt wrong, all the time.

Lucy gets up, a ball of dread hits me but she walks over to me, wrapped her arms around me and kiss me. "Tim I believe you" a smile on her face. "Being three months pregnant, she doesn't look very pregnant to me. You saw Angela's and Nyler's bump when they were pregnant"

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