Chapter XIX: Yin And Yang

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War Hawk Crash Site

While the backup troops from Edenn jump down from their ships to help the pirates, Supremeo is attacked by War Hawk immediately. The giant warrior droid bolts directly toward the aiutu droid with its claws drawn and with a dangerously heated glow from the stolen gemstones inserted in its palms.

War Hawk successfully gets a hold of Supremeo and proceeds to bring the aiutu down to the ground at a dangerous pace.

Supremeo panics for a moment thinking of the potential impact both droids could cause not only on the environment they're fighting in, but also on his comrades and pirate troops on the battlefield. To prevent this impending devastation to the landscape, Supremeo unleashes his hidden arm cannon equipped from his new body and unleashes a powerful blast that is strong enough to release the grip War Hawk had on him.

Supremeo lands on the ground on his two feet with another blast from his arm cannon ready. War Hawk begins to stand on his feet but is surprised by another powerful attack from Supremeo.

While still holding his charged blast from his arm cannon. Supremeo reveals his right hand can also form an arm cannon through the abilities of his tech. The aiutu hits War Hawk with blasts from both cannons pushing the enemy droids away from the golden dragons. Supremeo dashes toward his fallen enemy. Giving War Hawk little to no time to recover. Supremeo calls back his arm cannons into his gauntlets and proceeds to pummel the warrior droid with his inekium fists.

Back to the center of the crash site's battle

Queen Melina looks at both droids battling. Dominic lands the hoverbike next to Melina and tells her, "My Queen this interruption appears to be a blessing in disguise. You seem to be tired and wounded. You can rest. We have this battle in control." Melina replies to Dominic telling him, "I appreciate the concern Dominic. But there are other pressing matters for me to tend to. Such as the whereabouts of my wife." Dominic's look for concern immediately changes to a look of understanding.

Dominic tells the Queen, "Right Mrs. Sharon appears to have an ulterior motive. A member of your queen's guard informed me she was the one who drew blood from you." Queen Melina answers, "Yes. It appears she knows our attackers. When I find her I'll be sure to get the much-needed answers to why she chose to do this to me." Queen Melina grimaces as she proceeds to walk toward the direction she saw Sharon run off to. Under her breath, she mutters, "Damn you Sharon Franklin. Five f*ckin years and you do this..." Dominic is surprised as he hears this while Melina walks past her. He says, "Wait?! Franklin? Is she related to Thomas Franklin? The droid inventor from Earth?"

Melina looks back and replies, "Yes..." Dominic now even more surprised tells Queen Melina, "My God! I felt she looked familiar! How didn't I notice this a while ago?! It all makes sense now. The tech upgrades and advancements that translated to quick and efficient victories in your battles. My gosh...Your battle skills with her engineering are a deadly combination to whoever would stand in your way...My Queen not that I would question your capabilities in facing this battle, but I'd be glad to face this with you in case there is another trick up her sleeve."

Melina tells her former mentor, "Thank you Dominic but I feel your presence is needed here. The more our people have battle-hardened allies beside them. The better our chances are in gaining a quick victory." Dominic agrees with a nod. As Melina walks in the direction she saw Sharon leave. Dominic asks another question. He tells the Queen, "My Queen. If you don't mind me asking... It was believed the Franklin family all died during the war with the empress. How did you find Sharon? Their only child?" Melina turns around and replies, "She found me. She modified a simple piece of camo gear she wears on her wrist to double as a way to wear a disguise. With the push of a few buttons, her facial features and body will change with help from the camo holo gear. And result in a very convincing disguise.

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