Chapter XVIII: Seventh Hour

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Chaos ensues on both sides of the battlefield in New Tortuga. More so at the end of recovery bay. The three heroes Bernard, Ryan, and Maxwell are cornered against the golden dragon droids. Even though Maxwell's Ivo Supremeo suit blasts through a line of Golden dragons. Another group of golden dragons fall through and claw at the Supremeo suit.

4 golden dragons hold Ivo Supremeo down. They force the palms of the suit against The eyes of the suit. 2 more golden dragons hold down the legs of the suit while another two launch themselves in the air with huge battle axes made of zhekumium and ram it against the inekium made suit. Both metals clashing against each other creates a large ringing echo throughout the battlefield. Sparks emit from the suit and axes but don't break through and reach Maxwell on the inside.

The droids launch themselves through the air once again. This time Maxwell is ready. The arms and legs of the suit launch off like rockets while the remaining part of the suit spins and flies away like a ball. While the arms fly they shoot blasts aimed at the enemies and then reattach themselves to the suit. The legs collide with the enemies and then reattach themselves to the suit.

Maxwell shoots off the attacking droids then dives in and picks up Rainer and Bernard Sullivan. Sullivan tells Max, "Get us back to the doorway of the recovery pods! The sentinels can help us!" They do this but it only provides little relief. The zhekumium made out of the golden dragon's bodies prove too tough to break. Rainer screams to his companions telling them, "I think this batch of droids is different. Their attacks are more calculated. Their bodies are denser than the first batch I tangled with!"

Sullivan gets into an offensive stance and charges at an incoming golden dragon. The old pugilist dodges a strike from the droid but grabs its arm in the process. While still gripping the golden warrior droid's arm Bernard puts a foot on its chest and uses the droid as a shield toward other

incoming golden dragons. Then with all his might, Bernard wrenches the droid's arm out of its socket. Bernard proceeds to beat the droid with its own arm. He tells both his companions, "Our weapons can't pierce their armor plating but we can still rip their limbs off. With our enhanced strength through our tech." Bernard then pulls off a zhekumium sword that is equipped with the golden dragon and slices off the droid's head. He continues to say, "Time to put that training not good use fellas. After you beat them with their own limbs. Try slashing through their armor with their metal. If it works for me. It can work for you!"

With new fire burning within both of Sullivan's companions they re-engage themselves into the fight. With a new vigor flowing through Maxwell, he is the first to break off the next golden dragon's limbs.

Maxwell goes for the golden dragons with the battle axes first. He launches both arms from his Ivo Supremeo suit, then makes both arms grab the axes from the droid's hands. Commands the arms to reattach to his suit, Then cleaves both of the former wielders of the axes.

Rainer tells Max through comms, "Nice one Max!" then from behind Rainer pops up a team of tethered sentinels by Max. Through Rainer's command, they double-team a golden dragon. Ripping its arms off, smashing its head with its limbs, and then Rainer commands a sentinel to hand Rainer its zhekumium sword.

Time passes as the heroes slowly hack and slash their way toward victory. The first sign of a side letting up shows. Unfortunately, it's the side of Bernard Sullivan that lets up. Maxwell's Ivo Supremeo suit begins to slow down due to an extreme exertion of its power. So does Bernard's armor. Unfortunately for Bernard, it's not only his armored suit that begins to lose power. His physical body is beginning to show signs of exhaustion as well.

Rainer being somewhat of a living battery rushes to Sullivan's aid and extends energy to his suit. He tells the legendary hero, "Are you gonna be okay boss man?! I powered up your suit. You can get away while we handle this!" Bernard gets to his feet. His physical body still weary from the ongoing battle tells the young soldier, "Thank you for the recharge. I appreciate your concern for my well-being friend, but being a little out of breath never stopped me. Keep your concern in protecting the brothers so they can complete their healing process."

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