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I ran up through the halls searching for the hydra main lab. Natasha and Thor in other centers of the facility. Bucky, Steve and Bruce on comms all in all everything was going smoothly. I run into a room that my tracker sent me to, and it immediately locks. Of course, nothing ever goes smoothly, does it? Then a pour of showering cold ice water pours down on me. Making me soaking wet and I try and use my powers to blast the door open with zero effect.

Oh god it's a power draining room, "Guys!" "L/n, you alright?" "Steve rang with a worried tone that only a captain could have. "No, don't freak out but I'm locked in a power draining room -" A cutthroat scream interrupted me. Pain pulsating through my body, electricity eroded the room like a plague. Every nerve ending was on fire, I slid down to the floor cradling myself. My muscles so tired and burned that I can't move. The floor started to rise with water as it poured on me. The breath leaving my body and I was unable to get it back. "Y/n!? Doll, you got to talk to me here!" "Electrocuting Buck-" Another scream cut through my plead like a knife.

I slipped into unconsciousness the last thing I hear is my teammates trying to get some sort of information from me. I came to conciseness's in an uncomfortable bed, terrible soul sucking bright lights cut and burn my eyes. I groan trying to get up, but a caring hand keeps me down. "Y/n you can't get up yet, your body needs rest." Bucky said cradling the back of my head setting me down gently. "Bucky?" "Hey sunshine." A sad smile gracing his flushed face. He'd been crying and he was trying to hide it, but I could tell. "What happened?" "We tracked you down and Thor had to get you out. Thank God he was there. Doll, I am so sorry if I was there, you would have been okay. I would have made sure." "It's nowhere near your fault I should have known."

After a day or two I was permitted to go to my room. Bucky made stops there every day to make sure everything was alright. He helped me when I was sad, he made me laugh when I needed it, he helped me with my muscle. He has been a God send. He was out at the moment, and I know I need a shower. I know it sounds weird, but every time I think about getting a shower I freak out. I get up mustering up my strength and go to take a shower. I leaned over the tub hesitantly, my breath already staggering. The shower turned on with a high pressure spraying down on the tile wall.

I freeze, the sound of the water hitting the walls, usually comforting now terrifying. It's like I'm in the room again. Alone. I'm in that room, I can't breathe I can't save myself. Some Avenger can't even save myself. I can't save myself. I start to panic; my head is a whirlpool of doubts. A surge of energy shoots through me, a green midst burst through the room breaking the mirror, the soaps, brushes everything went flying. I run out of the room and run out to my bed and bury myself in the covers. "Sunshine?" Bucky asks sitting on the edge of the bed his hand resting on my lower back.

"I can't do it Bucky; I feel gross and dirty, and I can't even shower or I freak out." I sob into the pillow. "You freak out, yeah I understand that hun. That means you went through something and beat it. Did you lose control of your powers?" I give a pitiful 'yes' and sinking deeper into the bed. "That's ok baby, what you went through was scary and what you're going through is normal. I'm here hun. I'm going to clean that up, then were going to get you clean, ok?" "How?" I sob, "Were going to lock the bedroom door, and leave the curtain and bathroom door open. If you're ok with it I'll clean you, I promise I'm not trying anything I just want to make you feel better, okay?" "Ok."

He eased me into the shower turning me away from the showered head. My breath staggers, "Hey, keep your eyes on me, you're not alone you hear me." "Thank you." 'No need, ready?" I shake my head yes and he instruct what he is doing, not keeping anything away from me. Some ease comes, but once the water starts to get cold, I was back into the room. Green midst starts to dance around my fingers. "It's ok doll, I'll fix it your safe. You're in our room, your here, you can leave at any moment. Do me a favor and sing your favorite song." "Why?" I croaked out desperately clinging to his voice. "To ground you." "You know I can't smile without you -"

"Good, baby I'm going to rinse you off then were going to dry. Keep going," "I can't laugh, I can't sing, I'm finding it hard to do anything you see." He rinsed me off and I kept my eyes screwed shut trying my hardest not to focus on the soaking shower. "I feel sad when your sad, I feel glad when your glad, I just can't smile without you." He eased me out of the shower, sitting me down on the toilet drying my hair. Putting a shirt that was his, helping me put on my underwear gradually.

taking my hand lightly dragging me out of the bathroom and closing the door. Lifting the covers and we laid down together. I finally opened my eyes. His steel blues staring into mine with a mixture of worry and love swirled in his eyes. "I love you." I said without thinking, we never said it before. We knew we loved each other we just never could grow the courage to say it. Now however I know I love him. I know he loves me. I need him to know that. He smiles moving to hover over me. Kissing me deeply. "Baby, I am so in love with you. I promise you as long as I live no one else will hurt you, and I will find the bastards that did this to you, and I'll kill them." He kissed me with such determination almost proving that to me. "I am so proud of you Y/n." 

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