Sisterly Love

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"Wanda!" I groaned storming into her room flopping down on her bed in-between her and Vision. Obviously interrupting something "What now?" "Am I pretty?" She looked at me puzzled cocking her head to the side. "Yes," "Am I sweet?" "Yes," "Am I funny?" "Y/n, is this about Bucky again?" Vision asks inspecting me. I mumble a yes into one of their pillows, crawling under the covers. "No, none of that you always do this." Wanda said pulling the blankets away. "Wanda you are my big sister; it is you job to let me flop down on your bed and cry." "It was the first twenty times now it's getting all too much." I groan even louder and bury my head under the pillows.

"Y/n, if you have such strong feelings for him why don't you talk to him?" Vision said trying his best to be sympathetic. "Cause if he doesn't like me Vis. He likes someone else." "Who?" "One of the nurses in medical Susan something, I don't know." "Oh, Susan Walters yes she is very nice." Vision chimed in thinking he was being useful. I turned to him in a pitiful voice "She's nice?" Wanda covered Vision's mouth with magic. "No, she is, well I mean -" I turned back and groaned into the pillows some more. "This is ridiculous you are a strong independent woman, what makes you turn to mush just by the thought of him?" Wanda sternly noted prying the blanket and pillows away from me. "Wanda, Bucky Barnes is the most handsome, gentle, honest man I have ever met, and he doesn't like me. He likes a nurse from medical that can't stitch a wound properly!"

Wanda opened her mouth to speak but a knock at the door interrupted her. "Excuse me I'm sorry for barging in I heard yelling, and I wanted to make sure everything was okay." Bucky said walking through the door leaving it opened ajar. "Oh my god." I mumbled going back to the pillows. "Doll, are you okay?" He said drawing closer putting a gentle hand on my back shoulder blades. "I am fantastic, how are you?" I snicker into Wanda's pillows. "Actually, Bucky my sister is not doing well." Wanda said soaking her words in fake sympathy.

Bucky tensed at this "She's not?" "I'm not?" "No, she's not she is in love with a man that she believes does not love her." he sits on the edge of the bed abruptly, moving his hand off of me. "Oh," He breathes out, "Who?" He mumbles, "Rogers." She says simply, Bucky jumps from his seat I spin around, and Vision starts to grumble putting his head in his hands. "You're in love with Steve?" "No, Wanda Maximoff you're in dangerous territory." Wanda throws her hands in the air "what did you not say that he is the most handsome, gentle, honest man you have ever met?" Bucky turns to me his brows furrowed, "He is?" He sounds almost sad.

"No!" "Don't be silly, she was just going on and on about how he loves a nurse. You know Susan Walters? She kept going on about she wished it was her he fawned over." 'Fawned over?" He asked his shoulders slouching. "Wanda, stop!" "Why?" "Cause I don't love Steve!" "Then who do you love?" Bucky asks looking at me as if I took away his favorite toy. "You!" I was in shock, I got off the bed as Bucky looked at me stunned. I ran out of the room as fast as I could. Darting for my bedroom, but only to be caught by someone grabbing my arm.

Bucky looked down at me as he brought me close. He wrapped my arms around his neck. He held my waist firmly, wrapping his arms around me. Are chest barely touching, "You love me?" He asked in unbelief, "Yes." I breathe out staring into his stormy eyes. he grinned from ear to ear, "and you think I like Susan?" "Yes," "Where did you hear that?" He whispered, "She told me that you guys were talking." he leaned his head on mine. "Baby, I have never met her." "You haven't?" "No, all the nurses are afraid to go near me. Bruce deals with my injuries."

"Oh, I am so sorry-" he interrupted me by bringing me in a sweet kiss. It was a type of kiss that you only see in rom coms. It felt like every nerve in my body spark. "I love you." He mumbled in my ear, kissing it lightly. Trailing down my collarbone gently. "I love you too," he stopped kissing when someone tapped on his shoulder. He turned around to see a smiling Wanda. "Wanda?" "I know, I interrupted your little make out session with my sister. To be fair she interrupted mine earlier." "Wanda!" I shush, "Hush, Bucky if you so much as miss place a hair on her head, I will rip you apart. If you so much as make a single tear slip from her eyes, I will rip yours out and place them in a jar on my mantel. Am I understood." Bucky stops grinning and holds me tighter, "Yes ma'am."  

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